What is the difference between a phosphoryl group and a …
Nov 29, 2016 · A process (catalysed by enzymes) involving the transfer of a phosphate group from a donor to a suitable acceptor; in general, an ester linkage is formed (…) See, not …
Phosphate group acidic or not? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jan 28, 2016 · I would like to ask whether or not the "Phosphate Functional Group" itself is acidic. I understand that the compound Phosphoric Acid is very acidic, with several hydrogens. …
Why is DNA negatively charged and what makes it so?
The reason why DNA is negatively charged is the phosphate group that makes up every nucleotide (pentose + nitrogenous base + phosphate). When forming part of the …
Bonding in the phosphate ion - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Very observant! What happens is that phosphorus is hybridized in the phosphate ion. Hybridization allows the central phosphate atom to form more bonds than you might expect …
Phosphates Functional Group - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Apr 24, 2016 · The phosphate has donated one pair of electrons on the oxygen to have a covalent bond with other molecule, for instance sugar in the image, and becomes a phosphate group in …
Does protein phosphorylation add a phosphate group, or does it …
Dec 12, 2021 · Is a phosphate group transferred.from the ATP , or is a phosphoryl group transferred from the ATP. And also, you have to know the difference between a phosphate …
Where do the three negative oxygens in a phosphate group get …
Sep 6, 2020 · A video I watched showed the construction of a phosphate group using a Lewis structure. The oxygen with the double bond fills its octet group. The three other oxygens lack …
Phosphate transfer in hexokinase - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Dec 19, 2021 · In glycolysis, hexokinase transfers a phosphate group from ATP to glucose. This is an example of the coupling of an exergonic reaction with an endergonic reaction, such that …
Why does bond breaking in ATP release energy? [duplicate]
Jan 17, 2019 · A bond between two phosphate groups breaks, but one of the phosphate groups forms a new bond with the oxygen of water. Whether energy is released or taken up (whether …
How does the position of hydroxyl group in a nucleotide …
Sep 9, 2020 · In dehydration synthesis of nucleotides, the hydrogen atom from the 3' carbon on the deoxyribose sugar of one nucleotide reacts with the hydroxyl group on the phosphate …