Phi Mu | Steadfast In Sisterhood | Faithful Sisters, Since 1852
Since 1852, Phi Mu Fraternity has challenged women to become their personal best. We are proud of our rich history as the second-oldest secret society for women in the U.S. and we …
About Us | Phi Mu at a Glance | The History of Phi Mu Fraternity
Founded in 1852, Phi Mu is a women’s organization which provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a …
History - Phi Mu
Phi Mu Digital History. Want to take a closer look at Phi Mu history? Phi Mu has partnered with HistoryIT to digitize some of the Fraternity’s archives. Visit Phi Mu’s Digital History to view …
myPhiMu · myPhiMu
Your Phi Mu Journey Continues! Join thousands of Phi Mus and claim your account today! Access important resources, update your profile, connect with sisters and stay engaged with …
Collegians - Phi Mu
Phi Mu is a place you can call home, offering sisters who will help you be your best and experiences that will enrich your life. As the second-oldest secret society for women, we offer …
PhiMu - Zeta Zeta
Phi Mu was founded in 1852 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, the first college chartered to grant degrees to women. Originally founded as the Philomathean Society, a literary club, we …
Phi Mu Alumnae | Forever Faithful | Reconnect With Phi Mu
Phi Mu is for a lifetime and our alumnae chapters provide a venue for making friends, networking and socializing. Many alumnae say they never dreamed, as a collegian, that they would have …
Foundation - Phi Mu
In addition to supporting the philanthropic efforts and educational and leadership programs of the Fraternity, Phi Mu Foundation focuses on furthering the lifetime development of women …
About Us - Phi Mu
Founded in 1852, Phi Mu is a women’s organization which provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a …
PhiMu - Epsilon Xi
Founded in 1852, Phi Mu is a women’s organization which provides personal and academic development, service to others, commitment to excellence and lifelong friendship through a …