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- There are 10,670 residents in Clute, with a median age of 30.2. Of this, 51.06% are males and 48.94% are females. US-born citizens make up 83.74% of the resident pool in Clute, while non-US-born citizens account for 9.49%. Additionally, 6.77% of the population is represented by non-citizens.Learn more:There are 10,670 residents in Clute, with a median age of 30.2. Of this, 51.06% are males and 48.94% are females. US-born citizens make up 83.74% of the resident pool in Clute, while non-US-born citizens account for 9.49%. Additionally, 6.77% of the population is represented by…The Clute population is 11,655 and has a population density of 2,191 people per square mile, compared to the national average of 91. The median age of all residents is 30.6, 48% of people 15 years of age or older are married and 54% have kids under the age of current population of Clute, Texas is10,732based on our projections of the latest US Census estimates (released May 2024).The last official US Census in 2020 recorded the population at10,619. There are 8,337 adults, (1,237 of whom are seniors) in 2023, the population of Clute was 10,704, a 0.57% increase year-by-year from 2022. Previously, in 2022, Clute's population was 10,643, an increase of 0.35% compared to a population of 10,606 in 2021. Over the last 20 plus years, between 2000 and 2023, population of Clute increased by …In 2022, Clute, TX had a population of 10.7k people with a median age of 30.2 and a median household income of $68,306. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Clute, TX declined from 10,722 to 10,670, a −0.485% decrease and its median household income grew from $64,742 to $68,306, a 5.5%
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U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Clute city, Texas; Texas; United States
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