Pedro De Valdivia - Encyclopedia.com
May 21, 2018 · Pedro de Valdivia. Pedro de Valdivia (ca. 1502-1553) was a Spanish conquistador and professional soldier. He fought in Europe and in the civil wars of Peru and initiated the conquest of Chile. Pedro de Valdivia was born in the district of La Serena in Estremadura. Joining the Spanish army early, he fought in Flanders and then at the battle of ...
Valdivia, Pedro de (c. 1500–1553) - Encyclopedia.com
Jaime Delgado, Pedro de Valdivia (1987). Carmen Pumar Martínez, Pedro de Valdivia: Fundador de Chile (1988). Ida Stevenson Weldon Vernon, Pedro de Valdivia: Conquistador of Chile (1946). Additional Bibliography. Cordero, María de Jesús. The Transformations of Araucania from Valdivia's Letters to Vivar's Chronicle. New York: P. Lang, 2001.
Valdivia, Chile | Encyclopedia.com
Valdivia, ChileValdivia, capital city of the Lake Region in southern Chile (2002 population 127,750), located on the lower Valdivia River. Founded by Pedro de Valdivia in 1552 almost in the middle of Araucanian (mapuche) Indian territory, it was an isolated Spanish enclave in hostile territory during most of the colonial period.
Suárez, Inés de (1512?–1580?) - Encyclopedia.com
In her twenties she went to America, where she became the mistress of Pedro de Valdivia (1500–1553). She accompanied him on his expedition to Chile in 1540, and was well liked by the conquistadores. In September 1541, during Valdivia's temporary absence, the newly founded settlement at Santiago was attacked by large numbers of natives.
Lautaro (c. 1535–1557) - Encyclopedia.com
29 April 1557), Araucanian warrior and leader. Captured at an early stage of the warfare between the Araucanians and the Spaniards under Pedro de Valdivia (1500–1553), Lautaro spent some time as a groom in the conquistador's entourage, where he learned much about Spanish military capacity. Escaping back to Araucanian territory, he emerged as ...
Sancho de Hoz, Pedro (?–1547) - Encyclopedia.com
Sancho de Hoz, frustrated in an effort to assassinate Valdivia in the Atacama Desert, was permitted to remain with the expedition, with the Cuzco agreement rescinded. A plot to seize control of the newly established Chilean colony (1547) was also treated leniently.
Bachelet, Michelle (1951–) - Encyclopedia.com
Bachelet, Michelle (1951–)Michelle Bachelet, who became the first female president of Chile on 15 January 2006, was born in the Chilean capital of Santiago on 29 September 1951.
Bartolome De Las Casas | Encyclopedia.com
May 11, 2018 · A useful bibliography is Lewis Hanke and Manuel Gim é nez Fern á ndez's Bartolom é de las Casas, 1474 – 1566: Bibliograf í a cr í tica y cuerpo de materiales para el estudio de su vida (Santiago de Chile, 1954). Though dated, this work gives a valuable accounting of studies on historical background and additional bibliographical sources.
Valdivia, Ecuador - Encyclopedia.com
Valdivia, archaeological site in coastal Guayas Province, Ecuador. Valdivia is where the Early Formative Valdivia Culture was first defined by Ecuadoran Emilio Estrada in the mid-1950s and subsequently investigated by the Smithsonian archaeologists Clifford Evans and Betty Meggers. The site (G-31) is at the mouth of the Valdivia River valley.
Valdivia Culture - Encyclopedia.com
Valdivia CultureValdivia Culture is the name given to the prehistoric culture that occupied the Pacific coastal lowlands of Ecuador during the Early Formative period (4400–1600 bce). It was identified at the type site of Valdivia in coastal Guayas province by the Ecuadoran Emilio Estrada, and subsequently investigated by the archaeologists ...