Etymology of the phrase "peachy keen" - English Language
Nov 1, 2013 · The adjective peachy keen was popularised and probably invented by LA DJ Jim Hawthorne around 1948. Time Magazine. The OED has peachy-keen from 1951, but here's a …
What's the origin of the colloquial "peachy", "simply peachy", and ...
Aug 26, 2024 · a look back at those innocent days when the offerings at the local soda fountain might have been described as "simply peachy" Wiktionary #2: ( colloquial ) Very good, …
meaning - Origin of "Plumb" to mean "absolutely" - English …
Jun 15, 2011 · "plumb" as far as I know is a predominantly American usage, as in "That was just plumb crazy!" I thought plumb meant some kind of weight in bricklaying or such like, so how …
idioms - What's the etymology of "when the sh*t hits the fan ...
Jan 31, 2015 · Possible sources. Partridge says it's US and Canada slang from c. 1930, and that Norman Franklin says (1976) the original reference is to ther agricultural muck-spreader, and …
etymology - What is the origin of the phrase "hunky dory"?
Feb 8, 2011 · Nobody really knows. There's no agreed derivation of the expression 'hunky-dory'. It is American and the earliest example of it in print that I have found is from a collection of US …
Keen on vs keen to - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Jun 27, 2012 · I am very keen to go swimming today But the difference is subtle, and I don't know that everybody else would make that distinction. The third one is possible, but a little unlikely, …
idioms - Keen eye for detail (or details?) - English Language
May 28, 2014 · So 'have a keen eye for' accepts count nouns. 'Have a keen eye for a bargain' is an idiom within an idiom and apparently count. Have a keen eye for detail is a longer set …
Difference between "been to" and "been in" - English Language
Aug 9, 2012 · Been to indicates that you are talking about trips or journeys specifically to Florida.To is a preposition of motion and you are talking about movement towards, and arrival …
verbs - What's the difference between "I look forward to" and "I'm ...
Hmm, okay, a totally non-grammatical (probably, and thus very likely totally wrong) answer by an avowed non-grammarian (who nevertheless described and describes himself as a grammar …
Word or Phrase for someone who pushes others to their full …
Apr 5, 2016 · I'm looking for a positive word/phrase, preferably something in common usage, that can be used to compliment someone (a professor in this instance) who pushes others …