PCNL Surgery...Any advice greatly recieved. - Patient
Hi i have had 8 pcnl surgerys to date last one about 8 month ago.There are 2 methods of doing it and ive had both, which are done by keyhole surgery through the back then inserting a tube. …
PCNL Surgery | Kidney Stones | Forums - Patient
The doctor explained that PCNL was the only option to remove the stone before it damaged the rest of my left kidney. I scheduled the surgery for Nov 11th and everything went well the day of …
PCNL surgery | Kidney Stones | Forums - Patient
I had A PCNL surgery performed on a 20mm and an 8mm stone in August, and i was terrified. But truthfully it was a very easy, i was in minimal pain and they give you pain meds so you don't …
Having PCNL surgery done - need recovery info
Hi Jobelle . I had a PCNL operation 5th April which was a Thursday and came home Sat . My stone was 25mm the op went well got all the stone out no pain just bit uncomfortable and drain …
PCNL surgery advice please | Kidney Stones | Forums - Patient
Sep 6, 2019 · I am panicking and scared because i have the two step process radiology for 2 hours then have to wait 5 hours because there is so much blood they explained before pcnl …
PCNL | Kidney Stones | Forums - Patient
Hi sorry only just seen this . My PCNL surgery went well . Went into surgery at 8.30 am was in recovery at 12. Had a drain in my back and catheter no stent . Was being sick all afternoon …
Had my PCNL done - nightmare | Kidney Stones | Forums - Patient
My PCNL procedure is over and it was a horror show. The best thing I can say about it is that it’s over. The doc does not yet have a stone report so I don’t know what I’m supposed to avoid. I …
Surgery pcnl | Kidney Stones | Forums - Patient
I wanted to update. I had my surgery last Tuesday. Turns out it may have been a small stone but was mostly 4 cm of mucous and bacteria. In OR 3 hrs. Had mild sepsis which responded to …
getting ready for a pcnl..recovery time? | Kidney Stones | Forums
Sep 22, 2017 · After many lithos and very bad kidney infections,and a stint in for 6 months..I am going to get a pcnl. They are doing in in 2 stages..first the tube placement and then a few days …
Ureteroscopy vs Shock Wave Lithotipsy | Kidney Stones | Forums
Jun 11, 2019 · I am also very fir and active doing crossfit 5 days a week and running i think mine are caused by dehydration i am now due to have my second pcnl for a 17mm in my other …