Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER)
Michigan's Annual PASER Condition Assessment - A Team Effort. Every year since 2004 TAMC contracts with each of Michigan's twenty-one RPOs and MPOs to coordinate the annual PASER condition assessment for the paved federal-aid road system.
Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating - Wikipedia
The PASER scale is a 1-10 rating system for road pavement condition developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Transportation Information Center. PASER uses visual inspection to evaluate pavement surface conditions.
PASER Evaluation 3 Asphalt pavement distress PASER uses visual inspection to evaluate pavement surface conditions. The key to a useful evaluation is identifying different types of pavement distress and linking them to a cause. Understanding the cause for current conditions is extremely important in selecting an appropriate maintenance or ...
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PASER uses visual inspection to evaluate pavement surface conditions. The key to a useful evaluation is identifying different types of pavement distress and linking them to a cause. Understanding the cause for current conditions is important in selecting an appropriate maintenance or rehabilitation technique. There are four major categories of
asphalt PASER 9 or 10 (no defects) to an asphalt PASER 8 because of the treatment. Rate it based on the distresses that are visible (see TAMC Data Collection Training Manual’s “Proactive Sealcoat Treatments on Asphalt PASER 9” section, page 8).
Rutting Revisions – See page 8 of the TAMC PASER Training Manual for rutting measurement changes. Composite Pavement - When a concrete pavement has been overlaid with asphalt
Class2 is an intro to the PASER system. It includes TAMC updateson data collection & council updates, rating rules andtips, interactiverating exercises on asphalt, concrete, andsealcoat roads. T h e v i r t u a l t r a i n i n g i s s e p a r a t e d i n t o t w o d …