Right Upper Quadrant Pain: Common Causes and Treatment
Dec 16, 2024 · Problems with the kidney tend to give you pain more around the right-hand side of the right upper quadrant, or in your back (loin), but the pain may spread and involve the front of the tummy (abdominal) area. Kidney stones can cause a severe pain (usually round the back) which occurs in spasms lasting from a few minutes to several hours.
Right Lower Quadrant Pain: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Oct 15, 2024 · Any pain coming from the right side of the scrotum can cause pain in the RLQ but usually the pain in the scrotum will be worse. Torsion of the testicle. Torsion of the testicle (testis) causes severe pain in the scrotum and severe lower quadrant pain, usually on one side. It most commonly affects teenage boys but young adult men can be affected.
Pain right side along lower right ribs towards my back right side.
Nov 15, 2019 · However My problem is I still have pain on the right side of my back very ache and sore and it goes along my right rib cage to the right side and sort of reaching my front right side. I went to physio and we noticed the issue seems to be coming from my last 2 floating ribs.
constant pain under the ribs (on the right side ..in the back) - Patient
May 10, 2014 · However, that same night my pain from my back right side, wasnt there anymore, but it had moved in the front..on my right side-in my pelvis area. I had to take paracetamol to be able to sleep. But after that night it hurts slighlty less in my back (on the right side)..as it went back there, only not as strong as before the fall.
Help? In pain but tests are clear. Any advice??? - Patient
Feb 1, 2021 · My anxiety is through the roof and I wish the pain would just go away. We might be in the same boat. My pain started on my right side first and then evolved too. They did an ultrasound of my liver, gallbladder, Pancreas, Right Kidney and I also had a chest x ray along with bloodwork. been in the ER 3 times.
Right side pain under ribs no gallbladder - Patient
Sep 18, 2019 · Had my gallbladder removed 2/3 years ago. Recently had similar pain under my ribs radiating into my back and shoulder right side and really tender to touch and cant lay on my right side either as they both make me wince. Recently had bloods and CT Scan and all results normal and GP just gave me pain medication.
Pain starting 4 months after gallbladder removal
it took a full year before my body returned to normal. Six months after the op, I thought I was back to normal. But i started getting really bad pain around my bellybutton, like crushing glass. Then my stomach started playing up, when it hadnt before. i had all sorts of scans, but it all came back clear. It really can take a long time.
Right side pain, burning, burping and reflux - gallbladder? - Patient
Aug 24, 2017 · The pain comes and goes. Normally it’s a dull ache or a burning sensation. Occasionally I get sharp pains there too. Generally I would describe the pain as mild to moderate – nothing agonising. The bottom of my right ribs feel bruised when touched and sometimes the pain goes through to my back- Heartburn, mainly on the right side of my ...
When to worry about back pain | Back Pain Facts - Patient
May 17, 2023 · Lower back pain. About 8 in 10 people have one or more bouts of lower back pain. In most cases, it is not due to a serious disease or serious back problem, and the exact cause of the pain is not clear. This is called nonspecific lower back pain. The usual advice is to keep active and do normal activities as much as possible.
Mid right back pain after gallbladder removal - Patient
Jan 23, 2017 · At first though, I couldn’t lay on my right side and had to take shallow breaths. So far the back pain has started low, progressed into being completely unbearable and then eventually fades to about 10% of the peak pain and then it starts again.