How to margin the body of the page (html)? - Stack Overflow
Jul 12, 2021 · 2- the above though will only work on the page you have this code embeded, so if if you wanted to reuse this in 10 files, then you will have to copy it over on all 10 files, and if you wanted to make a change let's say have a margin of 5px instead, you would have to open all those files and make the edit.
css - Margin while printing html page - Stack Overflow
Aug 12, 2022 · When I needed to print a table over several pages, the margin:0 with the @page was leading to bleeding edges: I could solve this thanks to this answer with: table { page-break-inside: auto } tr { page-break-inside: avoid; page-break-after: auto; } thead { display: table-header-group; } tfoot { display: table-footer-group; }
PDFsharp page size and set margin issue c# - Stack Overflow
Apr 12, 2013 · You cannot set margins with PDFsharp - it's up to you to reserve margins on the page when you draw items. The code you copied is from MigraDoc. MigraDoc is included with PDFsharp, but works on a higher level where you do not deal with pages, instead you deal with sections and here you can set margins.
html - Page Margins for printing in CSS - Stack Overflow
I want to insert top and bottom margin for my website page when printed, so I used the normal margin-top and margin-bottom for the printed div but it affected on the first sheet only! so I used this as explained in W3C CSS2.1 Specifiction:
How do I change margins in Numbers? - Apple Community
Nov 5, 2013 · The setting for page margins is not obvious. In the Print Setup (the panel to the right after you do Menu > File > Print (command p), drag the panel up to see Page Margins. You can set Top, Bottom, Left, Right margins. Please call back if you need further help. Hint: Menu > Numbers > Preferences > Rulers > Alignment Guides. Tick every box.
Change margins in Excel using VBScript Code - Stack Overflow
Jun 9, 2016 · The problem is, I'm trying to apply Orientation and Margin PageSetup parameters, but it is just ignoring them. No matter what I do, the page format won't change. Mainly, I need these parameters changed (margins are in inches): Landscape Orientation; Left Margin (0.36) Right Margin (0.25) Top and Bottom Margins at (0.5) Header and Footer Margins ...
PDFMake - Dynamic pageMargins depending on header's height
I am dynamically creating a PDF with PDFMake. I have a dynamic content (different number of text rows) that is printed on the header and therefore I can't put a fixed value in the pageMargins beca...
Can I change the margins in pages? - Apple Community
Jul 9, 2023 · Default margins are 1" on all four edges, Those widths will be posted in inches or centimetres, depending on the Region setting of your computer. Using Pages for iPhoneOS: Please note: I am NOT familiar with Pages for iPhone, including the …
reporting services - Page margins in SSRS report overflowing
Aug 2, 2016 · Your body size plus margins (x 2) size are greater than the width of your paper. You also need to check your page size. This link explains in more detail. For future reference I suggest you create two page templates (Landscape and Portrait) which are just blank reports ready to copy and paste into new projects then the issue won't re-occur!
Setting the margin of word document in c# using Open XML
Jan 22, 2013 · I have created a Word document using Open Xml. The document gets created when a button in a web part is created. Currently I have created a table in the document to test that it works. What I want to do now is to be able to set the page margins for the newly created documnet. I am not sure how to proceed. What would be the simplest way to ...