PSO-1 - Wikipedia
The PSO-1 (Прицел снайперский оптический, Pritsel snaipersky optichesky, "Optical Sniper Sight") is a 4×24 telescopic sight manufactured in Russia by the Novosibirsk instrument …
SVD/AK PSO 1 4x24 Dragunov Sniper Scope - SPECPRECISION
Featuring a 4x magnification, the SVD/ AK PSO 1 4x24 offers a clear and crisp sight picture, allowing shooters to effectively engage targets at extended ranges. The multi-coated lenses …
Matrix Illuminated PSO-1 Type Scope for Dragonov SVD Sniper …
For use with most Airsoft SVD sniper rifles. Some modification may be required for certain brand mounts. Manufacturer: Matrix. Established in 2001 for Airsofters by Airsofters. Team Matrix …
PSO-1 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Soviet PSO-1 (Pritsel Snaipersky Optichesky, "Optical Sniper Sight") telescopic sight was at the time of its introduction (around 1964), the most technically advanced telescopic sight ever …
AllOutdoor Review: The PSO-1 Rifle Scope History
Mar 27, 2023 · The PSO-1, Optical Sniper Sight, Pritsel Snaipersky Optichesky, or simply “Прицел Снайперский Оптический” is a 4×24 fixed-power telescopic sight designed for use …
PSO Series - RussianOptics
PSO Series are the original optic for the SVD Dragunov rifle. The military versions are PSO-1 and the more modern PSO-1M2 briefly seen on civilian Tiger rifles that made it into the USA in …
PSO-1光學瞄準鏡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
苏联 PSO-1 瞄准镜 (PSO, 俄语罗马化 全寫: Pritsel Snaipersky Optichesky,俄语: Прицел Снайперский Оптический,意為:狙擊手用光學瞄準具)是一種在大約1963年開始生產,使 …
PSO-1 or Dragunov style mount found on the PSO/POSP rifle scopes. This type of mounting clamp has a forward placed stopping pin. The clamp moves all the way forward on the rail until …
PSO-1 - Shooting Glass
The PSO-1/ПСO-1 (Прицел Снайперский Оптический / Optical Sniper Sight) is a 4x scope first produced in 1963 as a dedicated scope the new SVD rifle then entering service with the …
POSP 4×24 M BELOMO PSO TIGR SKS SVD buy now - Scopes-Store
POSP 4x24M 1000m - Sniper Rifle Scope with reticle illumination Range Finder. POSP 4x24M has a built-in 1000 m dual rangefinder for the target 1,8 m. It is possible to conduct aimed …