Display Reception Reports - PSKReporter
Large markers are monitors. Reception reports shown as times.
Digimode Automatic Propagation Reporter
Enter at least a six character locator as it marks your location on the map with more accuracy. On the frequencies tab, you should specify your antenna (on a per-band basis). On the reporting tab, just check the checkbox to enable PSK Reporter Spotting.
Using PSK Reporter Website as a Propagation Tool - eHam.net
Jun 26, 2019 · PSK Reporter, www.pskreporter.info/pskmap.html, is a powerful tool for monitoring your FT8, JT65 or PSK signals around the world. But, even if you are not transmitting on any of these modes it can still be a great propagation tool for determining which bands are open and to where in the world signals from your area are being heard.
Using PSK Reporter Website as a Propagation Tool
Aug 15, 2019 · PSK Reporter, www.pskreporter.info/pskmap.html, is a powerful tool for monitoring your FT8, JT65 or PSK signals around the world. But, even if you are not transmitting on any of these modes it can still be a great propagation tool for determining which bands are open and to where in the world signals from your area are being heard.
Fldigi Users Manual: PSK Reporter - W1HKJ
The PSK reporter can generate reception reports from three different sources: The decoded text, obtained from the Rx Panel text or the multi-channel browser. Note: the psk browser must be visible or decoding and subsequent psk reporting will not occur.
ft8.live - real time PSKreporter spot map - Google Groups
Jan 31, 2023 · I've been working on this site which shows real time spots from PSKreporter data. Similar to Mike G8LKD's web app Spotty posted here earlier, it sources data from the MQTT stream set up by...
here's how to use psk reporter to tell where your signals are getting out at and track what you're doing. this is a great way to test propagation or kind of figure out how an antenna is...
GM4FVM's radio world: PSK Reporter - a very useful tool - Blogger
May 27, 2020 · We might think of DX Maps as something which carries QSO reports, but it can also show real time reception reports directly from software, if you select the PSK Reporter option. PSK Reporter is an the heart of lots of these systems.
Probe Propagation with PSKReporter - Making It Up
Nov 2, 2017 · Digital modes provide a great way to probe propagation conditions quickly. And you can see the results in a Google Map. Using this technique, I was able to spot signals from 34 countries in ten minutes. Received signals show up as colored balloons. Clicking on a balloon shows the name of the transmitting station and the signal-to-noise ratio.
Quick reference PSK links
Who is on PSK right now? This link will show you who is reporting what and where. PSKREPORTER will display a map with pins for each station heard. Also check out Hamspots with a more tabular display here: https://hamspots.net/psk/ Who …