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in ThinkCentre A, E, M, S Series - LENOVO COMMUNITY
https://forums.lenovo.com/topic/findpost/1308/2220057/2249445 This helped me, thanks so much.
Re: PCI/PCI e test invalid in ThinkCentre A, E, M, S Series
https://forums.lenovo.com/topic/findpost/1308/2220057/2228845 . Same problem here. Yoga 2. ...
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Re: PCI/PCI e test invalid in ThinkCentre A, E, M, S Series
Re: PCI/PCI e test invalid in ThinkCentre A, E, M, S Series The latest version of the Lenovo Solution Center (LSC) has produced this invalid comment for the PCI on several different models. If your overall test result was passed then don't worry about the PCI invalid statement.