About - Orna Guralnik, PsyD
Currently Dr Guralnik lectures and publishes on the topics of couples treatment and culture, dissociation and depersonalization, as well as culture & psychoanalysis. She is on the editorial board of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and of Studies in Gender & Sexuality.
Orna Guralnik, PsyD
Dr. Guralnik offers the following services: Individual Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Couples' Therapy. Diagnostic Consultations. Consultations and treatment for Depersonalization and …
Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis - Orna Guralnik, PsyD
Both psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalyis are conducted by professionals with extensive education and training. Psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is alive and well and has undergone many changes over the past century.
Select Publications - Orna Guralnik, PsyD
Guralnik O, Simeon D (2001). Impulsive Self-injurious Behaviors: psychodynamic theories and treatments, in (Eds) by D Simeon & E Hollander: Self-Injury: Assessment and Treatment. APA: Washington, DC,
Depersonalization — Orna Guralnik, PsyD
Some are propelled in and out of transient episodes in response to triggering events, and some actually willfully induce states of depersonalization to avoid the claws of unacceptable reality (Guralnik, 2008).
Couples' Therapy Docu-Series — Orna Guralnik, PsyD
SHOWTIME released its documentary series COUPLES THERAPY to critical acclaim in 2019, Now in its fifth season, the series follows four couples over six months of weekly treatment with psychoanalyst Dr. Orna Guralnik, a faculty member at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.