Options profit calculator
Updates. Cash Secured Put calculator added—CSP Calculator; Poor Man's Covered Call calculator added—PMCC Calculator; Find the best spreads and short options – Our Option Finder tool now supports selecting long or short options, and debit or credit spreads.Try it out; 🇨🇦 Support for Canadian MX options – Read more; More updates. IV is now based on the stock's market …
Long Put (bearish) Calculator - Options profit calculator
A put option's Value at expiry is the put's strike price less the underlying stock price. The Profit at expiry is its value, less the premium initially paid for the option.. Value = strike - stock price. Profit = (value at expiry - option cost) × (number of contracts × 100) _____ = ((strike - stock price) - option cost) _____ × (number of contracts × 100)
Long Call (bullish) Calculator - Options profit calculator
An call option's Value at expiry is the amount the underlying stock price exceeds the strike price. The Profit at expiry is the value, less the premium initially paid for the option.. Value = stock price - strike. Profit = (value at expiry - option cost) × (number of contracts × 100) _____ = ((stock price - strike) - option cost) _____ × (number of contracts × 100)
Call Spread Calculator - Options profit calculator
Call Spread Calculator shows projected profit and loss over time. A call spread, or vertical spread, is generally used is a moderately volatile market and can be configured to be either bullish or bearish depending on the strike prices chosen: Purchasing a call with a lower strike price than the written call provides a bullish strategy Purchasing a call with a higher strike price than the ...
Covered Call Calculator - Options profit calculator
Covered Call Calculator shows projected profit and loss over time. The covered call involves writing a call option contract while holding an equivalent number of shares of the underlying stock. It is also commonly referred to as a
Option Finder - Options profit calculator
Take the hard work out of finding the right option with our Option Finder . Enter the price you expect the stock to move to by a particular date, and the Option Finder will suggest the best call or put option to maximise profit at the expected price-point
Credit Spread Calculator - Options profit calculator
Credit Spread Calculator shows projected profit and loss over time. A credit spread is a two-option strategy that results in an initial credit to the trader. It can be used in both a bullish and bearish market depending on the configuration.
Butterfly Calculator - Options profit calculator
Butterfly Calculator shows projected profit and loss over time. A butterfly spread provides potentially high returns at a specific strike price (the body, or middle leg of the butterfly). Maximum risk is limited.
Put Spread Calculator - Options profit calculator
Put Spread Calculator shows projected profit and loss over time. A put spread, or vertical spread, can be used in a volatile market to leverage anticipated stock movement, while also providing limited risk. Purchasing a put with a higher strike price than the written put provides a bearish strategy Purchasing a put with a lower strike price than the written put provides a bullish strategy
Custom 2-Legged Strategy Calculator - Options profit calculator
2 Legs Calculator shows projected profit and loss over time. Customised strategy with 2 legs