OpenHistoricalMap is an interactive map of the world throughout history, created by people like you and dedicated to the public domain. OpenHistoricalMap collaboratively stores and displays map data throughout the history of the world.
OpenHistoricalMap collaboratively stores and displays map data throughout the history of the world. OpenHistoricalMap is built by a community of mappers and historians that contribute and maintain data about the history of the world.
Explore the world's past with OpenHistoricalMap, a community-driven project that lets you create and share historical maps. Join now and start mapping.
OpenHistoricalMap has several resources for learning about the project, asking and answering questions, and collaboratively discussing and documenting mapping topics.
OpenHistoricalMap is an interactive map of the world throughout history, created by people like you and dedicated to the public domain. Learn More Start Mapping
Teams of historical mappers can use Tasking Manager to coordinate mapping across world and help connect mappers with shared interests. Mapping Volunteers use scanned old maps to trace buildings, roadways, and other features.
Relation Republic of Indian Stream (2698236) (as label) Download XML · View History. OpenHistoricalMap is an interactive map of the world throughout history, created by people like you and dedicated to the public domain. Only the standard layer can be exported as an image.