Oakwood Collegiate Institute - TDSB School Websites
Oakwood Collegiate Institute2 school web site. The electronic translation service on the Toronto District School Board website is hosted by Google Translate, a third party service.
Google Calendar - TDSB School Websites
Oakwood Collegiate Institute2 school web site. The electronic translation service on the Toronto District School Board website is hosted by Google Translate, a third party service.
Departments - TDSB School Websites
Oakwood Collegiate Institute2 school web site. The electronic translation service on the Toronto District School Board website is hosted by Google Translate, a third party service.
Extra-Curriculars and Sports - TDSB School Websites
Oakwood has a wide range of before school, after-school and lunchtime activities ranging from clubs to special interest groups and intra-mural sports teams. We also have new clubs each year, depending on student interest and staff sponsor availability.
Our History - TDSB School Websites
In September 1912, Oakwood became the first Toronto high school to offer “Manual Training” and “Household Science” courses. On February 21 st, 1913, the school celebrated its official opening, and the following year we were renamed “Oakwood Collegiate Institute”. Ms. Jesse Greenaway, a classics teacher, fondly recalled:
Enhanced Pathways - TDSB School Websites
Oakwood CI is excited about our new grade 9 program (starting in the fall of the 2017-18 school year) which focuses on elevating the learning environment at Oakwood. It is the placement of grade 9 students who have traditionally selected between the Academic and Applied level courses in all Academic level programming.
Student Services - TDSB School Websites
All students at Oakwood have been added, please go to your Google Classrooms and click on Guidance. Every student has an assigned counsellor. Students are encouraged to make appointments with their counsellor if they have questions or personal concerns, which are not addressed during class visits.
Oakwood has an outstanding Arts program with a range of courses in drama, theatre, dance, music, visual arts and media. We offer an Arts & Culture Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) which combines arts courses with co-operative education. …
Notable Alumni - TDSB School Websites
Looking east on St. Clair from Lauder Avenue, 1911. Oakwood Collegiate is at the top right, and in the centre-right are trees next to the west branch of Garrison Creek (called "Springmount Stream") where students would swim and play after school.
Oakwood Collegiate Institute 991 St. Clair Ave, West. Toronto, Ontario M6E 1A3 416-393-1780 Website: http://schoolweb.tdsb.on.ca/oakwoodci/Home.aspx Course Outline: Gr.12 Visual Arts …