MightyAmp download page
Or search keyword:"mighty amp" in appstore Go to App Store (iOS) Go to Google Play (Android) Download From NUX (Android) Download From Third Party(Android) Go Android AppStore
NUX Apps - app.nuxefx.com
PIX TUNE(WST-915Li) N-LIVE Android + iOS
Stageman download page - app.nuxefx.com
Use your phone to scan the QR Code Or input the following url in phone broswer http://app.nuxefx.com/app?stageman Or search keyword:"stageman" in appstore
EFX Mobile download page - app.nuxefx.com
Use your phone to scan the QR Code Or input the following url in phone broswer http://app.nuxefx.com/app?efxmobile Or search keyword:"EFX Mobile" in appstore
Nux Drum Touch - app.nuxefx.com
Use your phone to scan the QR Code Or input the following url in phone broswer http://app.nuxaudio.com/app?drumtouch
Nux Pix Tune Editor - app.nuxefx.com
Please scan the QR code to download the mobile app,or enter the following address in your browser. http://app.cherub.cn/app?pixtune
NUX Piano Mate - app.nuxefx.com
Use your phone to scan the QR Code Or input the following url in phone broswer http://app.nuxefx.com/app?pianomate Or search keyword:"piano mate" in appstore
EFX Mobile Privacy Policy - app.nuxefx.com
NUX Audio built the EFX Mobile app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by NUX Audio at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies …
Pianomate Privacy Policy
NUX Audio built the Pianomate app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by NUX Audio at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies …
Stageman Privacy Policy
NUX Audio built the Stageman app as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by NUX Audio at no cost and is intended for use as is.