Is there a lore reason as to why Nishiki decided to shoot the
And the fact that the nishiki boss fight is such a cake walk, let's ignore that the jingo fight is a robbery, yakuza 0 had a much more involved final boss fight, and you barely know the guy in …
Nishiki cutscenes that are exclusive to Kiwami (Kiwami spoilers)
Jun 23, 2022 · YAKUZA 1 & KIWAMI. Nishiki, Kiryu and Reina at the Serena bar discussing Kiryu possibly starting his own family and Nishiki's sister's dire situation. Yumi comes back from …
Nishiki in yakuza 0 or yakuza kiwami? : r/yakuzagames - Reddit
Funny fact (yakuza 4 spoiler): at first when i saw the beach fight scene from yakuza 4 i thought you fight nishiki because his hairstyle seemed kinda similar to saejima's. And i saw this scene …
Questions about Yakuza 1/Kiwami's story/plot. : r/yakuzagames
Oct 13, 2019 · 4) the doctor was in debt with the yakuza, when he saw nishiki being desperate he used nishiki to get the money for himself so he could pay the yakuza, not for the sister's …
Akira Nishikiyama (Spoilers for Kiwami) : r/yakuzagames - Reddit
Sep 9, 2020 · All of this, and his envy for the man Kiryu became, one that went from being given advice by Nishiki at the beginning of 0, to being a legend among Yakuza, caused Nishiki to …
The brilliance of Akira Nishiki's physical transformation
Sep 22, 2021 · In Y1, the look changes for the better, although flaws are still noticeable. Nishiki opted for a beige/black combination, a winner in any circle, yet something is missing even …
Best Nikishiyama quotes : r/yakuzagames - Reddit
Aug 22, 2020 · The Yakuza 1 dub is a blessing, there is not a single shift in emotional range and people were expecting GTA in Japan so even with a few genuinely kickass lines like “Step the …
Kiwami 1 Kiryu and Nishiki summarized : r/yakuzagames - Reddit
Yakuza 1/kiwami doesn’t get the story recognition it deserves tbh, people love to shit on nishiki and yadda yadda whatever. But what people don’t see is that it easily could’ve been kiryu on …
Yakuza 0 Nishiki >>> Yakuza 1/Kiwami Nishiki : r/yakuzagames
Oct 23, 2019 · The unofficial subreddit for Yakuza and other Ryu Ga Gotoku games! ... Yakuza 0 Nishiki >>> Yakuza 1 ...
Nishiki in Kiwami : r/yakuzagames - Reddit
Nov 11, 2022 · No, it's not. Funny how they've added these scenes to make a better connection to Yakuza 0 but at the same time they feel the most out of place in context of Yakuza 0. They …