Nisan - Wikipedia
Nisan (or Nissan; Hebrew: נִיסָן, romanized: Nīsān from Akkadian: 𒁈, romanized: Nissāni) in the Babylonian and Hebrew calendars is the month of the barley ripening and first month of spring.
12 Facts About the Month of Nisan Every Jew Should Know
Nisan is one of the few months mentioned in the Torah by name. G‑d refers to it as Chodesh HaAviv, 1 the Month of Spring. Ensuring that Nisan remains in spring forms the backbone of the entire intricate Jewish calendar, including the leap year.
The Hebrew Month of Nisan - Chabad.org
Nisan (or Nissan), the first month on Jewish calendar (according to the Torah), coincides with March-April on the civil calendar. The Torah calls it chodesh ha-aviv —the month of spring, as it marks the beginning of the spring months.
What Month Is Nisan In The Bible? - Christian Website
Jan 14, 2024 · Nisan, the first month on the Hebrew calendar, is a spring month that coincides with March-April. It marks the beginning of the religious new year and has great theological significance as the month God commanded the Israelites to observe Passover and celebrate their exodus from Egypt (Exodus 12:2).
Nissan, 5785 / March - April, 2025 - Jewish Calendar - Hebrew …
Features a brief summary of key events in Jewish history, laws and customs, Shabbat times and more.
24 things that happened in the Hebrew month of Nissan - The Jerusalem Post
Apr 28, 2024 · According to the Talmud, the world was created in Nissan. The month is referred to as the “first month,” “the month of ripened barley” (due to the barley harvest), “Nissan” (a Babylonian...
What Month Is Nisan In The Bible? Nisan in the Bible
Aug 6, 2024 · Nisan, the first month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar and the seventh month of the civil year, marks the beginning of spring. It is a time of renewal and redemption, prominently featured in the story of Passover, one of the most pivotal events in …
The month of Nissan - a time of miracles - Living with Torah and …
5 days ago · The month of Nissan is the first month of the Jewish year. In it is the first festival of Pesach celebrating the exodus from Mitzrayim. From when the Korban Omer was brought, on the 16th of Nissan, we start counting Sefiras HaOmer for 49 days until Shavuous.
Nisan: The Month of Miracles and Redemption in the Hebrew …
It is in this month that we celebrate the eight-day holiday of Passover, from the 15th through the 22nd of Nisan. It commemorates the Jewish people’s miraculous redemption from slavery in Egypt, and the birth of the Jewish nation.
The Month of Nisan - Jewish Holidays - Orthodox Union
Nisan is the first month on the Jewish calendar as it contains Pesach, when we commemorate the Exodus from Egypt, when we became God's nation