java - set 4-bit nibble in an int type - Stack Overflow
Sep 3, 2013 · (nibble << shift) is the binary pattern of the nibble you're setting. If your nibble value is 0b1001, once shifted, it becomes 0b0000 0000 1001 0000. The binary or in the middle of the expression combines the initial value, now the bits we want to set have been cleared, with the shifted nibble to come with the final solution.
binary - How many bits are there in a nibble? - Stack Overflow
Dec 24, 2008 · A nibble has 4 bits (although it doesn't have to). That also means that when you view a byte's value in hex-notation, one hex digit corresponds to one nibble. That's one reason why going from hex to binary is much easier than from decimal to binary.
c - how to replace given nibbles with another set of nibbles in an ...
Dec 23, 2016 · Nibble has 4 bits, and according to your indexing scheme, the zeroth nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 0-3, the first nibble is represented by least significant bits at positions 4-7, and so on. Simply shift the values the necessary amount. This will set the nibble at position set by the variable index:
Fast way to compare a specific nibble in C/C++ - Stack Overflow
Jun 6, 2014 · The mask consists of nibbles having the value 0xf and one nibble which contains the bits which I have to compare. 0xf means "these bits are not relevant while comparing". Examples: 1111 1111 0011 1111 (Mask) xxxx xxxx 0010 xxxx (Number) Result: Not Equal since 3dec != 2dec 1111 1111 0011 1111 (Mask) xxxx xxxx 0011 xxxx (Number) Result: Equal ...
python - Convert a 4 bit binary nibble as a string into its hex ...
Dec 14, 2022 · Write a function that takes as an argument, a 4 bit binary nibble represented as a string, and returns its hex equivalent value as a String. Use that function to write a program that accepts an entire string of binary nibbles entered from the keyboard and prints out the full hex equivalent. The nibbles in the input must be separated by spaces.
c++ - Nibble shifting - Stack Overflow
Sep 22, 2011 · You are setting both nibbles of every byte to the same thing, because you set the high nibble to the same as the low nibble in the end. I'll assume this is a bug and that your intention was to shift all the nibbles in the data, carrying from one byte to …
Toggle nibbles in a 16 bit register (8086) - Stack Overflow
May 27, 2020 · I want to toggle (invert) the most significant nibble and the least significant nibble of AX register. What will be sequence of assembly language instructions for this?
c - Get mosts significant nibble, regardless of int bit length and ...
Oct 29, 2016 · I'm trying to mask the most significant nibble of an int, regardless of the int bit length and the endianness of the machine. Let's say x = 8425 = 0010 0000 1110 1001 = 0x20E9 . I know that to get the least significant nibble, 9 , I just need to do something like x …
php - High nibble and low nibble what are they? - Stack Overflow
May 27, 2012 · Nibble is half a byte (0-15, or one hex digit). Low nibble are the bits 0-3; high nibble are bits 4-7. Share.
C - Copying nibbles from one byte to another to generate a …
Dec 23, 2018 · Copying is just reading and then writing. For example, to copy the lowest nibble from src to the highest nibble in dest you could: nibble = src & 0x0F; dest = dest & 0x0F; // Clear all bits in the high nibble dest = dest | (nibble << 4); // Set new bits in the high nibble With elements of arrays it might look like this: