(Guide) Nergigante : r/MonsterHunter - Reddit
Jan 28, 2018 · Nergigante has a pretty big getting-up animation after this. If you've successfully dodge rolled this attack, go all in Preparation - Equipment. I personally soloed Nergigante on my 4th try with a full Pukei-Pukei set + Poison Lance. If you'd like to keep your sanity, I don't suggest doing this. Ingot Set Thunder Weapon of your choice
Nergigante is obnoxious. What's the best way/strategy to ... - Reddit
You WILL beat Nergigante, it's a question of time and tactics. Use EVERYTHING the game has given you to this point, drop as many crystals on his head as you can, and put survival over everything else. It might take the full 50 minutes, with runs back to camp or an embarassing cart or two, but eventually you're gonna crack it.
A guide to: AT Nergigante : r/MonsterHunterWorld - Reddit
May 21, 2019 · Great dude, also adding my 25 cents to this. Nergigante is extremely resistant to elemental damage, even thunder (3 star weakness is a lie). The best damage type against Nergi is raw, so unless you are using bow, you are better off with raw damage. The best LBG for fightjng Nergigante is the Taroth support normal ammo 2 LBG.
Any advice for getting Gold Crown for Nergigante
I've kinda already been doing all of that. The problem is that I rarely ever get Nergigante investigations from doing it. I almost always get investigations for every other Elder, and when I do get Nergigante investigations, not a single one has ever had more than 3 boxes. Not even the Tracking The Delivery quest has been working.
Nergigante is fucking impossible : r/MonsterHunterWorld - Reddit
Aug 19, 2018 · Nergigante is pure power, so you have to encounter him with power. You could try to look for this: Bazel helm beta Damascus mail alpha Bazel vambraces alpha Damascus Coil beta Damascus greeves beta Earplugs charme lvl 2 Damascus was my to-go armour as I …
Any ways to get nergigante gem? : r/MonsterHunterWorld - Reddit
I've hunted nergigante for like 10x already and i didn't get a single nergigante gem. I want to build nergigante armor. All that's left is the head piece which needs Nergigante gem.
How to: "Search for evidence of Nergigante" - Reddit
Oct 3, 2018 · If you're here, i'm assuming you've also struggled to finish this damned quest. Reason being, there seems to be a bug where the fireflies don't latch onto some of the Nergigante spikes. You'll have a hard time finishing the quest if you don't just randomly stumble upon them. It actually took me such a long time before I was able to find all of ...
Last Gold Crown - Nergigante. Need Help : r/MonsterHunterWorld …
Aug 2, 2019 · I ended up using my final investigation to farm more investigations and then just killed Nergigante every time regardless of size, which would gradually unlock more investigations. It takes more time but, imo, it's less of a drag than farming prints. Plus you get really good at killing Nergigante.
Who's harder? High Rank Arch Tempered Nergigante or Master
Nov 20, 2019 · Ruiner Nergigante seems to inherit Nergigante's very high base damage on its stronger attacks, their damage easily compares to that of MR TEDs. Then you have to consider than Ruiner's new hard-hitting moves actually have a chance of hitting you, unlike base Nergigante's stronger moves which are all slow, well-telegraphed and don't have much range.
Best weapon for Nergigante : r/MonsterHunter - Reddit
Mar 20, 2018 · Seeing as Nergigante’s head is what you want to be aiming for most of the time, Hammer’s capacity to KO capitalizes on this, along with having one of the most damaging sliding attacks in the game- something the Elder’s Recess allows you to frequently perform.