Neko Project II fmgen and PC-98 Touhou (guide now included)
Jul 25, 2019 · Neko Project II is an emulator for the PC-98x1 series of computers created by Yui. Although the official np21 variant has been able to play Touhou games since its introduction in 2004, it was only recently that the viability of the emulator was properly investigated, partly due to the appearance of unofficial builds such as the kai and fmgen ...
Neko Project II fmgen and PC-98 Touhou (guide now included)
Jul 3, 2019 · I'm a decade-old Touhou Project fan. I heavily advocate for what's obscure and less popular in this series such as the PC-98 era, not-often-heard ZUN music, and the much of unpopular/unused characters.
Neko Project II Lag? - shrinemaiden.org
Dec 10, 2016 · I don't know much about Neko Project (so I can't help much with troubleshooting it), but Anex is on the lower end of CPU usage as far as your options go. It's likely your computer, as emulating PC-98 does require a somewhat decent computer (nothing that amazing, but it's definitely got requirements) but I can't say without any information on your system.
Configuring and Running PC-98 Emulators for Touhou
Jul 8, 2014 · Neko Project II is one of them, but is limited to very old games, so it's kinda useless. Anex86 is a popular emulator in that it maintains the fps decently well, but the music, sound effects, and graphics are very bad.
How do I map English (US) keyboard to Neko Project 21?
Jul 25, 2019 · Someone got me a ZIPped copy of Neko Project 21 (fmgen build dated 2018, because the links on the sticky thread are broken), while I downloaded the YAHDI hard-disk image and prepared it for use with NP21. Now I have a problem: when I go to the command prompt, my English (US) keyboard does not behave like English keyboard (keys are mapping …
Using DOSBox instead of Anex86, T98-Next and Neko Project II?
Jan 26, 2018 · I'm pretty sure this isn't possible because the PC-98 specifically runs a Japan-only version of DOS called DOS-V and uses a unique hardware set, while DOSBox will only emulate the standard MS-DOS and IBM-PC architecture.
Sound issue in Neko Project II - shrinemaiden.org
Dec 6, 2016 · Author Topic: Sound issue in Neko Project II (Read 3895 times)Sound issue in Neko Project II
Any way to one click load using Neko Project II?
May 12, 2017 · I'm thinking I might be able to create a shortcut to Neko Project II with command line arguments to do it (the command line specifying which game to load), but I don't see anything regarding using the command line for Neko Project II online. Can anyone help?
Author Topic: Touhou Project games for NEC PC-98
Mar 8, 2014 · I followed the installation instructions as accurately as I could, tried multiple emulators, and redownloaded the games multiple times. Nothing is working. If system info is needed, I'm running Windows 8 in Japanese locale, and I've tried using Neko Project 2 fmgen and T98-Next. EDIT: Got PoDD and LLS working.
I can't get FM4, FM5, and FM6 channels to play on Neko Project II
Feb 12, 2015 · Author Topic: I can't get FM4, FM5, and FM6 channels to play on Neko Project II (Read 2390 times)I can't get FM4, FM5, and FM6 channels to play on Neko Project II