Necturna | Smogon Forums
Nov 11, 2018 · Thanks to Necturna's good defensive typing and decent defenses, it can set up on a myriad of Pokemon, such as Choice-locked Landorus-T as well as Pokemon that can only do little damage to it like Tapu Koko and Ferrothorn.
Step 2 On Necturna in Generation 9 - Smogon University
Dec 6, 2022 · Sketch is also not programmed into the game. Therefore, Necturna can no longer fulfill the niche we set out for it to do. The purpose of this thread is to decide if we should provide Necturna some surrogate way to "use Sketch" in Generation 9. If so, we must find a way that is programmable into Pokemon Showdown.
Done Gen8 CAP Updates - CAP13 - Necturna - Smogon University
Mar 7, 2020 · Necturna actually had Phantom Force until it was removed in a nerf - to be in line with the other nerfed Pokemon, Necturna will not be getting Phantom Force back as part of this update process.
Done Necturna in Gen 9 Revisit - Smogon University
Jul 4, 2024 · Necturna has been a thorn in our side (pun entirely intended) for several gens and iterations of those gens now. The changes to Egg Moves starting in ORAS forced us to implement Necturna Clause, which limited Necturna's options to one Sketch move per set.
Phantom Force | Smogon Forums
Aug 19, 2014 · Basically Phantom Force is THE MOST spammable move in the game. It costs very little energy for all the effects it's got. It eliminates most of the common responses to damaging evasive moves. On top of that it's got among it's main abusers some of the strongest pokemon in ASB (Kitsunoh, Necturna & Revenahnk all can use this move).
CAP Updates: Necturna Discussion (Complete) | Smogon Forums
May 30, 2017 · Necturna might not find terrain useful, but she looks like she could create grass directly from the ground, considering that she's a ghostie. Forest's Curse may have poor distribution as a signature move, but Necturna has an identical typing to Trevenant.
Necturna | Smogon Forums
May 9, 2021 · Necturna is a potent wallbreaker that fits on hyper offense teams, serving both as a spinblocker and setup sweeper. Geomancy opportunities aren't abundant due to Necturna's low Speed, but its good bulk lets it set up on weak non-super effective attacks and against common Choice item users like Landorus-T and Jumbao locked into their STAB moves.
CAP 13 CAP 2 - Final Product - Smogon University
Feb 8, 2012 · So, it's here at last. CAP 2 is done. Necturna has been in development for 94 days, or just over 3 months. We've created a Pokemon from the ground up, focusing on the impacts that the presence of a single use of Sketch in the Pokemon's movepool would do …
Necturna | Smogon Forums
Apr 2, 2019 · [OVERVIEW] Necturna is one of the most threatening sweepers on teams that aim to stack entry hazards and continually wear down the opposition. Necturna fits particularly well on these teams because it will often need chip damage on the opposition to efficiently sweep.
Necturna (OU Analysis) [DONE] | Page 2 | Smogon Forums
May 8, 2012 · One may wonder, indeed, why all of these moves are Fire- or Fighting-type, and the simple answer is that these are the highest-powered moves in the game with the best coverage alongside Necturna's Grass- and Ghost-type moves.