Encyclopedia of the Nations - Information about countries of the …
The Encyclopedia of the Nations is a complete source for detailed information about one hundred ninety three countries in the world, information about the United Nations and the associated …
COLOMBIA - nationsencyclopedia.com
Also important national and regional companies—including the 3 just mentioned—have forged alliances or have opened participation to foreign owners, mostly in the coastal area, while new …
History - Zambia - export, growth, area, system, future, power ...
Elections later that year produced an African majority in the Legislative Council, which then called for secession from the federation, full internal self-government under a new constitution, and a …
RUSSIA - nationsencyclopedia.com
The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian History. Gulf Breeze, Fla.: Academic International Press, 1994. Pushkareva, N. L. Women in Russian History: From the Tenth to the …
Americas - nationsencyclopedia.com
National Economies Encyclopedia, containing articles about Americas. Canada's Provinces. Mexican States. Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda is located in the "Heart of the …
BRITISH COLUMBIA - nationsencyclopedia.com
Its area of 367,669 square miles (952,263 square kilometers) makes British Columbia Canada's third-largest province (occupying almost ten percent of the total national land surface). The …
SIERRA LEONE - nationsencyclopedia.com
FLAG : The national flag is a tricolor of green, white, and blue horizontal stripes. ANTHEM : Begins "High we exalt thee, realm of the free, Great is the love we have for thee." MONETARY …
Climate - Egypt - average, area, annual, temperature
When was this comment to the National Encyclopedia published? Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic: Name: E-mail: Show my email publicly. …
SOMALIA - nationsencyclopedia.com
FLAG : The national flag is light blue with a five-pointed white star in the center. ANTHEM : Somalia Hanolato (Long Live Somalia). MONETARY UNIT : The Somali shilling ( SH ) of 100 …
THE BAHAMAS - nationsencyclopedia.com
There are 21 administrative districts, consisting of various islands and groups of islands. Each is headed by a commissioner responsible to the national minister of local government.