MYLONITE / Material catalog / Bagnara
Jan 30, 2025 · mylonite Due to its cloudy pattern, the green quartzite from Sweden is particularly suitable for large-area applications, in- and outdoors. Thanks to its acid resistance, the material is suitable for kitchen countertops and many other naturally elegant spaces.
糜棱岩 - 百度百科
糜棱岩(mylonite) 颗粒很细呈条带状分布的动力变质岩。 岩石中大部分矿物不能用肉眼分辨。 由原来粗粒岩石(花岗岩等)受强烈的定向压力破碎成粉末状(断层泥),再经胶结形成坚硬岩石,矿物成分与原岩无多大变化。
Quartzite stone slab MYLONITE - ArchiExpo
Find out all of the information about the Nikolaus Bagnara S.p.A. product: quartzite stone slab MYLONITE. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
糜稜岩 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
具有糜棱結構的岩石稱為糜稜岩(Mylonite),又名磨嶺岩、磨變岩、糜嶺岩、磨爛岩 [1] 。 糜稜岩是一種 變質岩 ,原岩經過強烈擠壓,破碎後形成細粒,是一種動力變質 岩石 ,粒度一般小於0.5毫米,但有時也含有少量比較粗的原岩碎屑,呈現為凸鏡狀定向排列 ...
Mylonite Slab. SlabMarket - Buy Granite and Marble Slabs direct …
Mylonite Slab. Find Granite, Marble and other natural stones online, using our SlabMarket™ service. We help you find the colors you want at the lowest possible prices.
科学网—糜棱岩mylonite-必看(精华) - 张中欣的博文
Jun 3, 2016 · 碎斑圆化程度增高,呈眼球状、透镜状,矿物的各种变形结构构造发育.碎细基质常形成不同颜色、粒度和矿物成分的条纹、条带或透镜条带,显示特征的流动构造. 糜棱岩的形成过程里韧性变形起主导作用。 花岗质岩石和砂岩类岩石等原岩遭受强烈挤压 破碎 后形成的一种动力变质岩。 主要由细粒石英、长石及少量新生绢云母 、 绿泥石等矿物组成。 矿物颗粒细小,一般小于 0.5毫米。 具明显的条带状和眼球状构造,线理发育(叶理和拉伸线理)。 糜棱岩由韧性 …
Mylonite - Wikipedia
Mylonite is a fine-grained, compact metamorphic rock produced by dynamic recrystallization of the constituent minerals resulting in a reduction of the grain size of the rock. Mylonites can have many different mineralogical compositions; it is a classification based on the textural appearance of …
Mylonite Marble - Green Marble - StoneContact.com
Mylonite marble is a type of marble that has gone through intense pressure and heat, which gives it a unique veined appearance. It is a durable and heat-resistant material, making it suitable for kitchen countertops, backsplashes, and other kitchen surfaces.
Mylonite Marble Slab,Green Marble Slab - StoneContact.com
Mylonite Marble Slab,Green Marble Slab from Italy, The details include pictures,sizes,color,material and origin.You can contact the supplier - Yellow Stone Italia.
• Mylonite is a foliated and lineated rock which has undergone a drastic reduction in grain size by dominantly crystal-plastic processes. A mylonite contains 10-50% porphyroclasts, i.e. 50 to 90% of matrix. • Ultramylonite is hard, flint-like, and dark, which is the visual result of extreme grain size reduction and dynamic recrystallization ...