Search.Click.Do. Find what you are looking for at Cedarville University
myCU - Cedarville University
This feature will allow you to view the campus in a printable color or black and white map or take the virtual tour.
This features allows you to find location, phone, and title for Cedarville students and employees.
myCU - Cedarville University
Search.Click.Do. Find what you are looking for at Cedarville University
myCU - Cedarville University
This is a temporary task center that holds tasks that point to links previously on CedarInfo in the Academic (Student) Transactions Section
myCU - Cedarville University
This task allows students to find a roommate with RoomSync, a roommate-matching software that compares student's likes and dislikes with other students.
myCU - Cedarville University
This form allows you to reserve space for on-campus events. Event Services. 937-766-4444; events@cedarville.edu; View All
This feature allows you to access available University scholarships. Financial Aid. 937-766-7866; finaid@cedarville.edu; More Information; View All
Access Self-Service Giving Portal - mycu.cedarville.edu
This task allows users to sign in to Cedarville's online giving portal to view current pledges and past giving history or make a gift. Please email advancement@cedarville.edu if you have questions.
myCU - Cedarville University
There was a problem processing your request. Http failure response for https://mycu.cedarville.edu/announcement/list?dismissed=false&taskUid=20210528T014651161mycu ...