1. Copilot Answer
    Wright Flyer
    Accadde Oggi - Il 17 dicembre 1903 il primo volo dei fratelli Wright e la nascita dell'aviazione - FIRSTonline
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    The Wright Flyer, also known as the Kitty Hawk, Flyer I or the 1903 Flyer, was the first sustained flight by a manned heavier-than-air powered and controlled aircraft. It was invented and flown by brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, and marked the beginning of the pioneer era of aviation. The Wright brothers developed the Wright Flyer II in 1904, which made longer-duration flights including the first circle, followed in 1905 by the first truly practical fixed-wing aircraft, the Wright Flyer III. The Wright Model A was an early aircraft produced by the Wright Brothers in the United States beginning in 1906. The Wright Flyer was their first prototype, which they tested in 1902.