Mixpanel: Product Analytics for Mobile, Web & More
You can stream data directly from any digital product using a Mixpanel SDK. Our developer documentation will guide you in choosing the best option for your infrastructure.
Mixpanel: Product Analytics for Mobile, Web, & More
Unlock valuable customer insights to better convert, engage, and retain users with Mixpanel's powerful, self-serve product analytics. Try it free.
Our next step: Analytics for everyone | Signals & Stories - Mixpanel
Apr 13, 2023 · Gain insights into how best to convert, engage, and retain your users with Mixpanel’s powerful, self-serve analytics. Try it for free.
Is there a way to embed a mixpanel report in a web app?
According to the Mixpanel documentation on Embeds, you can embed Mixpanel Boards and reports in Figma, Coda, Jira, and any third-party tool that supports embedding. This functionality is available at no additional cost.
Mixpanel: Pricing
Our flexible data model lets you bring in events easily by connecting Mixpanel to your CDP, data warehouse, or in-house data pipelines. You can also install a Mixpanel SDK. Events-based pricing calculates the cost based on the number of events across all projects in each period.
Mixpanel: Product Analytics for Mobile, Web & More
Get access to product usage data and behavioral cohorts from Mixpanel to power more use-cases and drive retention. Grow your business Partner with an industry pioneer that has tens of thousands of satisfied users.
What is Mixpanel? - Mixpanel Docs
What is Mixpanel? Mixpanel will help you better understand your customers and answer questions about your product. It enables you to track how users engage with your product and analyze this data with interactive reports that let you query and visualize the results with just a few clicks.
Find the right Mixpanel Certified Partner
Here's how we make an impact: • Mixpanel expertise: As a certified implementation partner and reseller of Mixpanel, the leading user analytics platform, we have the tools and expertise to help our clients extract maximum value from their data.
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Learn how people use your product with the world's most advanced analytics. Try it for free.
Brand is behavior | Signals & Stories - Mixpanel
Apr 20, 2023 · Brand is not just a logo, a website, an illustration style, a typeface, and colors. These are essential elements of a brand. They’re tools to express ideas. A logo is a vessel for a story. But they’re only as good as the decisions we make and the promises we keep.