Learn a language. Memrise is authentic, useful & personalised.
Learn a language as it's used now. Immerse yourself in lessons that feature videos of native speakers, so you start speaking real life language, fast.
Learn a language. Memrise is authentic, useful & personalised.
Learn a language as it's used now. Immerse yourself in lessons that feature videos of native speakers, so you start speaking real life language, fast.
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Memrise Language Learning App - Subscription Plans
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Memrise: speak a new language - Apps on Google Play
Mar 12, 2025 · Memrise is the best language-learning app for beginners that are starting to learn a language from scratch, intermediate learners that want to build on their listening and speaking,...
Memrise - Wikipedia
Memrise is a British language platform that uses spaced repetition of flashcards to increase the rate of learning. [2] It is based in London, UK. Memrise offers user-generated content on a wide range of other subjects.
We also have iOS and Android apps that we highly recommend.
Memrise Review - PCMag
Apr 20, 2022 · Memrise is a worthwhile app for studying languages, particularly for beginners learning new characters and basic vocabulary. The fact that it's more than just a flashcard app keeps it...
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