Check Out Lacuna Inc. - Memory Erasure - Physics Forums
Feb 22, 2004 · Lacuna Inc. is the brainchild of Dr. Howard Mierzwiak who after years of dedicated research has developed a cutting-edge, non-surgical procedure for the focused erasure of troubling memories. Lacuna Inc. was founded to provide a state of the art research facility for the development of this procedure.
Is there a link between poultry consumption and longevity?
Nov 5, 2024 · 1) a very low meat intake was associated with a significant decrease in risk of death in 4 studies, a nonsignificant decrease in risk of death in the fifth study, and virtually no association in the sixth study; 2) 2 of the studies in which a low meat intake significantly decreased mortality risk also indicated that a longer duration (≥ 2 decades) of adherence to …
Definition of Intensity of Radiation - Physics Forums
Jul 24, 2014 · [SIZE="4"]Definition/Summary Intensity of radiation = power per area perpendicular to the radiation. It is a vector, parallel to the radiation. Intensity of radiation = energy density times velocity (therefore sometimes called energy flux). It is measured in watts per square metre...
Does Photon Age Change in Different Mediums? - Physics Forums
Nov 6, 2005 · I'm a real noob in physics. After reading some things about special and general relativity I came up with a question based on a statement i saw on a physics book (don't remember wich). If my memory is not failing me i remember having read that photons have exactely the same age now than when the universe begins.
How is dx(t)/dt system non-causal - Physics Forums
Mar 28, 2012 · ok, well in that case its a bit more complicated. the internet seems to suggest a system is causal if y(t) depends on x(t), dx/dt, x(t-T) for T>0
How to calculate the degrees of freedom of a simple multi-body …
May 30, 2024 · is counting and under what constraints. I can imagine a tricycle with its rear wheels welded on a common axle and the fork welded onto the chassis with the front wheel straight.
Determine the value of the obscured digit - Physics Forums
Aug 4, 2022 · Consider the bank identification number ## 237a_{4}18538 ##. Note that ## a_{9}=8 ##. This means \begin{align*} &a_{9}\equiv (2\cdot 7+3\cdot 3+7\cdot...
Stuck on simple constant accel. problem - Physics Forums
Aug 28, 2011 · 1. An antelope moving with constant acceleration covers the distance between two points 70.0 meters apart in 7.00 seconds. It's speed as it passes the second point is 15 m/s. A] Find speed at first point. B] What is the acceleration? 2. From …
Proving Spanning Sets in Vector Spaces - Physics Forums
Aug 30, 2004 · You want to eventually get v as a linear combination of the vectors in T, in other words you want to find coefficients [tex]d_1,\ldots,d_n[/tex] where:
A new realistic stochastic interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Mar 5, 2024 · These papers claim to present a realistic stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics that obeys a stochastic form of local causality. (A lecture I recently attended mentioned these papers). It also claims the Born rule as a natural consequence rather than an assumption. This appears to me to...