Handbells Music - Linda McKechnie
The music of Linda McKechnie has reached thousands of people through her 50 handbell titles and over 80 piano published arrangements with organ, solo instruments, and orchestra.
Downloadable Handbell arrangements - Linda McKechnie
Arranged by Linda McKechnie ASCAP. These arrangements are designed to be played with two or three octave handbells with the following goals:-Arrangements are musically creative and fun for both two or three octave choirs and give the ringers confidence in the learning process.
Piano Solos/4-hand piano & CD Tracks - Linda McKechnie
Linda McKechnie provides four-hand piano teams with beautiful and challenging hymn arrangements that highlight major events on the church calendar.
Christian Piano & Orchestrations | Linda McKechnie Music
Orchestrations for solo piano and orchestra arranged and performed by Linda McKechnie, orchestrated by Don Marsh. Click on the highlighted title to listen to the recording of piano and orchestra.
All Published Music by Linda McKechnie
by Linda McKechnie All the music titles below have been recorded as piano and orchestra arrangements unless otherwise noted. MP3 samples are available by clicking on each title.
Welcome to Linda McKechnie Music | Uplifting & Inspirational …
Spoken scripture with David McKechnie and piano accompaniment- devotional. Rhapsody of Love. Listen to MP3s and see a list of titles. Order CD - now $10. Symphony of Praise II. Listen to MP3s and see a list of titles.
Reflections An invitation to worship through scripture readings by the Rev Dr David Mckechnie and the music of Linda McKechnie Grace- Matthew 16:24-26, Romans 1:16-17, Romans 6:23, I Corinthians 3:7- 9, II Timothy 1:7, I Peter 3:15, I Peter 5:5-7, Ephesians 2:8-9
Arranged by Linda McKechnie DUO KEYBOARD BOOKS NOW PUBLISHED As of March 2009, the following titles are now available in duo keyboard book form from Linda's Web site: Hymnworks I, Hymnworks II, Hymnworks Christmas, Symphony of Praise I and Symphony of Praise II (new!). Pricing: 2 books for $38, plus shipping
The inspirational piano artistry of Linda McKechnie with the Don Marsh Orchestra Hymnworks I- A blend of favorite hymns and classical music 2:22 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (with Eine Keine Nachtmusik by Mozart) 4:28 Jesus, Lover Of My Soul (with Canon In D by Pachelbel) 2:51 Abide With Me (with Two Part Invention #14 In B flat by Bach)
Symphony of Praise II | Linda McKechnie Music
In Symphony of Praise, Volume 2, concert pianist Linda McKechnie breathes new life into these classical melodies by masterfully blending them with favorite choruses creating a beautiful expression of pure melodic praise.