Magnimar - PathfinderWiki
Magnimar is a large city located on the southwestern coast of Varisia where the Yondabakari River empties into the Varisian Gulf. The city is surrounded by the mostly inhospitable …
Magnimar - Pathfinder Wiki | Fandom
The city of Magnimar (pronounced MAG-nih-mahr) stands as one of the two major city-states of southern Varisia. Founded by Korvosan dissenters in 4608 AR, the City of Monuments now …
Magnimar, City of Monuments - PathfinderWiki
Known as the City of Monuments for its jaw-dropping skyline of ancient ruins, magnificent towers, and stunning sculptures, Magnimar embodies the spirit of the frontier realm of Varisia more …
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Magnimar, City of Monuments
Known as the City of Monuments for its jaw-dropping skyline of ancient ruins, magnificent towers, and stunning sculptures, Magnimar embodies the spirit of the frontier realm of Varisia more …
Irespan - PathfinderWiki
Nearly 10,000 years before the founding of Magnimar, the Irespan served as the main travel route through the mountainous realm of Bakrakhan. The Irespan used to stretch all the way from the …
Magnimar in Golarion "Pathfinder 1st Edition"| World Anvil
Built in the shadow of megaliths, Magnimar endlessly endeavors to surpass the overwhelming scale and grandeur of the ancient wonders that litter the Varisian landscape.
Magnimar Information and Maps by DM (group 0) - RPoL
Magnimar’s sprawling slate rooftops and marble avenues stretch from the foundations of the unignorable Irespan—a ruined stone bridge of impossible size—to beyond the western banks …
Guide to Magnimar - Next Week on Pathfinder...
The second largest city in Varisia, Magnimar still wages its mostly bloodless war of coins and lies with Korvosa to the east. Both city-states vie for control over vassal communities, natural …
Magnimar, City of Monuments | Tales of Varisia Wiki | Fandom
Magnimar is one of three city-states that dominate the Varisian Lowlands, the others being Riddleport and Korvosa. It is famed for its encouragement of free trade and enterprise, even at …
Magnimar, City of Monuments - RotRL Wiki
The second largest city in Varisia, Magnimar still wages its mostly bloodless war of coins and lies with Korvosa to the east. Both city-states vie for control over vassal communities, natural …
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