What are the main macroeconomics variables? | MyTutor
There are 4 main macroeconomic variables that policymakers should try and manage: 1) Balance of Payments 2) Inflation 3) Economic Growth 4) Unemployment This can be easily remembered using the following acronym: B: Balance of Payments I: Inflation G: …
Evaluate the likely economic effects of an increase in government ...
Since government spending is a component of Aggregate Demand (AD), this expansionary fiscal policy will cause AD to rise.
What is an Extraneous Variable? - MyTutor
Situational variables: Whilst the researcher may do their best to control an experiment (for example, controlling the time of day), situational variables can still affect the results. For example, a field experiment conducted at the same time of day across a week may experience sporadic weather or unexpected noise pollution, changing the mood ...
How does an increase in interest rates affect real GDP?
An increase in interest rates increases the incentive to save, as the reward for saving is now higher. So, saving in the economy is likely to increase, which will...
Assess the effect inflation will have on three macro-economic ...
Firstly, identify three macro-economic objectives 1. Unemployment at 3% 2. Balance of payments surplus 3. Economic Growth of around 2-3% Inflation will compro
In the Great Gatsby what role does the setting play? | MyTutor
The macro setting of West Egg, represents the nouveau-riche contrastingly the East Egg symbolises ...
What are the differences between simple covalent and giant …
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What is the difference between inter- and intra-individual
Inter-individual differences are differences that are observed between people, whereas intra-individual differences are differences that are observed within the s...
What is the difference between a variable and an identifier?
A variable is a memory location given a name and a data type. Once a variable has been declared its contents may be modified using its name.An identifier is the n...
Outline and evaluate research into conformity (16 marks)
Zimbardo’s Stanford prison experiment is an example of individuals conforming to particular social roles. Zimbardo carried out his experiment with 21 participant