M353 MICLIC Trailer vismod build (rocket launcher)
Mar 18, 2016 · A week ago I picked up a M353 3 1/2 ton trailer which happened to have a MK155 USMC MICLIC launcher bolted on to it. My first thoughts were to scrap the launcher and use the trailer for another heavy hauling device. After getting it home and talking to gbooth we decided that with his shop...
M200A1 tracked trailer MICLIC build - SteelSoldiers
Jan 6, 2018 · So I’ve found a tracked trailer for sale for a really good price, and I’d like to do a MICLIC build. The only issue I see is that the trailer is missing the launcher and line charge support framing, and is essentially just the frame rails and suspension with track. I …
M200A1/M353 31 Trailers - SteelSoldiers
May 13, 2021 · GL is offering these trailers right now. (Use "Utility" for the search). How would you use a trailer such as this?? Looks like thier should be some kind of container on the rails or between the rails but thier to narrow for regular Conex's.
M353 MICLIC Trailer vismod build (rocket launcher)
Jul 26, 2016 · The MICLIC box is on my trailer and will be on the way to the blaster later this week. I can't say enough good things about Rory M813rc , this was not just a little jag off the road to get the box to me but a major detour of at least 160 Miles if not more !!
MICLIC project slowly coming along.... - SteelSoldiers
May 11, 2010 · I finally got the ball rolling on the first of my 2 MICLIC's. I got it on the M200 trailer, got the inert rocket mounted, and have pretty much all the small incidental stuff located and with it. All I lack at this point is the box that held the line charge, and those have shown to be very...
M200a1 trailers - SteelSoldiers
Sep 13, 2011 · Anyone find a use for a M200a1 generator trailer, they sure are a heavy duty trailer, anyone convert it to civiy use?
M353 MICLIC Trailer vismod build (rocket launcher)
Rory, nice trailer and what a 5th point of contact that guy was. Hopefully my trailer recovery will go a bit smoother on Thursday. And, it did! Cheers
Military trailers with rubber tracks | SteelSoldiers
Feb 15, 2011 · Saw a couple pics of US military trailers with what looked like a big rubber band around the wheels on the dual rear axles. Looked like generator trailers, which normally would be 1 axle, 4 tires, but this was two axles, 8 tires, with the …
M200a1 MICLIC | SteelSoldiers
May 16, 2022 · Anyone have the part number on the hydraulic cylinder that raises the launcher assembly ?
Pintle hitches on tanks and APCs - SteelSoldiers
Mar 11, 2023 · Israelis use pintle hitches on their tanks to tow mobile bridges to cross obstacles, among other things. In Desert Storm a few tanks towed MICLIC mine-clearing trailers, the MICLIC system was pretty new at the time.