Apple Rootstock Info: MM.111 EMLA – Apples - Extension
Aug 22, 2019 · MM.111 EMLA is one of the more vigorous semi-dwarf rootstocks, producing a tree about 85 to 100% the size of seedling. It is resistant to wooly apple aphid and is quite tolerant to fire blight and crown and root rots.
M111-EMLA111- APPLE ROOTSTOCK (Malus sp.) - Burnt Ridge …
A vigorous, well anchored, drought tolerant rootstock. M111 creates a large semi dwarf tree 15-17 ft. if unpruned. Widely adapted to light or heavy soils. Resistant to collar rot. POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Depends on scion wood. Full sun, balanced moisture, reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly.
MM.111 Apple Rootstock - Cummins Nursery - Fruit Trees, Scions, …
MM.111/MM.111 EMLA is a semi-standard rootstock, a cross of Malling 2 and Northern Spy that produces trees about 85% of full size. Its major strengths are pest and disease tolerance (collar rot, fireblight, and WAA), and its tolerance for heavy, wetter soils.
M-111 Apple Rootstock - EMLA 111 - One Green World
M-111 Apple Rootstock is one of the most vigorous and well-adapted of apple rootstocks, M-111 is a semi-standard tree reaching 80% of standard tree’s height, or 15-25 ft. tall but can easily be kept at a manageable height with summer pruning.
Rootstocks Explained - Tom The Apple Man
Ideal in poorer soil in exposed sites. Space trees 7-10m apart. MM111 – Vigorous. Up to 4m high. Grow as standard or half standard. Tolerates wet ground and has good disease resistance. Space trees 6-10m apart. MM106 – Semi vigorous. Up to 4m high. Good for half standards, espaliers, cordons. Space half standards 3-6m apart. M116 – Medium.
M.111 EMLA | Willamette Nurseries rootstock clonal seedling …
We grow both clonal and seedling, virus free fruit tree rootstock for apple, cherry, pear, plum, and peach. We also grow several deciduous ornamental seedlings and cuttings which include maple, oak, beech, Planetree and serviceberry.
Apple Tree Rootstocks for Sale - Burnt Ridge Nursery
M111-EMLA111- APPLE ROOTSTOCK (Malus sp.) A vigorous, well anchored, drought tolerant rootstock. M111 creates a large semi dwarf tree 15-17 ft. if unpruned. Widely adapted to light or heavy soils. Resistant to collar rot.
Our Apple Tree Root System - M-111 - B-118 Root stocks
Morse Nursery uses B-118 and M-111 exclusively for their grafted Apple and Crabapple trees. The majority of rootstock used are dwarf apple trees, by keeping the apple trees small makes it easier for an orchard to harvest the crop, Morse avoids this by using it's selection of root stocks.
EMLA 111 Rootstock - Mehrabyan Nursery
The EMLA 111 rootstock produces vigorously growing apple trees, about 85-90% the size of standard varieties, ideal for orchards that need larger, drought-resistant trees with deep roots. It offers good anchorage and resistance to woolly apple aphids and collar rot, but its larger size is less suitable for high-density planting.
MM111 Apple Roostock - Raintree Nursery
Produces a semi-standard heavy bearing, precocious, well anchored tree about 20 feet tall. This rootstock has fiberous roots and does well in a wide variety of soils. It is hardy to -35° F. It produces burr knots at the base and should be planted almost up to the graft line.