Pulmonary pseudotumor | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Oct 11, 2023 · A pulmonary pseudotumor is no more than 'something' which mimics a tumor. Most frequently it is caused by a loculated pleural effusion (pleural pseudotumor) trapped in the pleural fissures. Other entities which have been described with the term pseudotumors include: round atelectasis; pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor 1; epicardial fat pad 2
Inflammatory pseudotumour: A rare tumor of lung - PMC
Excision biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of inflammatory myofibroblastic pseudotumour of the lung. This is a rare inflammatory nonneoplastic condition commonly affecting children and young adults. Keywords: Benign tumor, Case report, Chest …
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (plasma cell granuloma) of the lung
Jul 20, 2023 · Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) of the lung (also known as plasma cell granuloma, inflammatory pseudotumor, fibrous histiocytoma, fibroxanthoma, and xanthogranuloma) includes a spectrum of pulmonary lesions.
Inflammatory Pseudotumor: The Great Mimicker - AJR
Nov 23, 2012 · Inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) is a term used to describe a benign and rare process most commonly involving the lung and orbit but found in nearly every site in the body. This entity has been described by several names and histologic presentations and as mimicking neoplastic processes.
Pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor - Radiopaedia.org
Dec 27, 2018 · Pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumors are solid, non-neoplastic masses which can mimic pulmonary malignancy. They should not be confused with pulmonary pseudotumors which usually refer to loculated collections of pleural fluid mimicking a pulmonary mass on chest radiography. Thought to occur from an uncontrolled response to lung tissue injury.
Inflammatory pseudotumour of the lung - PMC - PubMed Central …
Inflammatory pseudotumours of the lung are extremely rare. Their pathogenesis is controversial, their diagnosis is often difficult and their clinical behaviour may be unpredictable – ranging from benign to locally invasive, to metastatic in spite of an apparently ‘benign’ histology.
Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Lung in Adults
Inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung, also known as plasma cell granuloma or inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, is a rare occurrence. This is supported by the fact that only four major studies [1–4] with more than 10 patients appeared in the literature between 1990 and 2003.
Pseudoneoplastic Lesions of the Lungs and Pleural Surfaces
Jun 12, 2016 · The most common form of the proliferative spindle cell lesion known as inflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) of the lung has undergone scrutiny in the recent past and is generally regarded currently as a true neoplasm composed of myofibroblasts. 2, 3 That particular entity had been called the fibrohistiocytic subtype of pulmonary pseudotumor 38 – 40 ...
nflammatory pseudotumor (IPT) is a term used to describe a be-nign and rare process most com-monly involving the lung and or-bit but found in nearly every site in the body. This entity has been described by several names and histologic presentations and as mimicking neoplastic processes.
Inflammatory Pseudotumor | RadioGraphics - RSNA Publications …
May 1, 2003 · The pathogenesis, natural history, clinical presentation, imaging findings, and treatment options for inflammatory pseudotumor in the lung, heart, gastrointestinal tract, adrenal gland, iliopsoas muscle, orbit, and central nervous system are discussed.