Look there and Look at there. - WordReference Forums
Dec 25, 2014 · in "Look there.", the word there is an adverb."Quickly" is an adverb: you would not say "Look the quickly", would you?
look there or look at there - WordReference Forums
Dec 3, 2013 · Hi guys, How do you native speakers usually say, 'look there/here' or 'look at there/here' I've always been told I shouldn't use prepositions before...
What is 'Look there' when translated from English to Italian?
Dec 22, 2022 · "Look there!" in English is Guarda lì! or Guardate lì! in Italian. Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits. The respective …
Is it is true that there are 7 people with same face? - Answers
Feb 9, 2025 · It is true that humans are one species of animal. Everyone has their own individual DNA, so they are all unique. However, since we are all the same species, we basically look …
Look or Look at - WordReference Forums
Apr 12, 2016 · Because we can't look at "everywhere." "Everywhere" is a direction, not an object. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find my checkbook. You would use "look at" with words such …
the new mining settlements are boomtowns, trailer cities, metal …
Jan 27, 2024 · 下面这一段文字来自于美国抒情散文“The Solace of Open Spaces”如何翻译划线部分? They are fugitive-looking, perched on a barren, windblown bench, or tagged onto a river …
watch out - look out | WordReference Forums
Nov 8, 2010 · "Look out, there is a car coming!" "Watch out! Don't wave that kitchen knife around, you may hurt someone." As you can see, the first is a warning to a possible victim of an action …
naturally - WordReference Forums
Nov 13, 2019 · J: look, there's an open door ahead J: and… it's closing. C:naturally. M:should we find another way in? C:there's an exposed beam underneath that opening. J:good call! C r …
look (like) there are... - WordReference Forums
Dec 6, 2011 · Hello. I've got a question. Which one of these sentences are correct? 1) It doesn't look like there are any security checkpoints on the tenth floor. 2) It doesn't look there are any …
"here comes the bus" or "the bus is coming" - WordReference …
Sep 2, 2017 · Say, I can not see but hear the bus coming. In this situation what sentence can I use below? 1. Look! the bus is coming. 2. Look! here comes the bus. Please get me correct …