LISAA - Art School - Bachelor & Master of Arts degree
France's leading School of Applied Arts, with 40 years' experience in teaching Fashion, Graphic design, Interior design, Animation and Gaming.
LISAA - L’Ecole N°1 des métiers artistiques et créatifs
Découvrez LISAA, école d'arts appliqués de référence depuis 1986 ! Explorez nos 5 spécialités et formez-vous aux métiers créatifs d’avenir.
Bachelor's degree courses - LISAA
Enroll in a bachelor's degree in applied arts at LISAA Paris, Nantes, Rennes, Strasbourg, Bordeaux or Toulouse
Ecole d’Architecture d’intérieur & Design à Paris - LISAA
LISAA Paris Architecture d'Intérieur & Design s'engage à offrir une formation résolument tournée vers la professionnalisation, promesse d'insertion réussie dans le monde du travail. Nos …
Admission des étudiants internationaux - LISAA
International students can join LISAA at the beginning of the academic year in September. To enroll, the international candidate must request an interview. He will be contacted as soon as …
Entry requirements & application - LISAA
Before coming to France for your studies, you need to apply for membership in the French social security citizen by signing up via the dedicated website etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr. You will …
Graphic Design Courses in France - LISAA
LISAA offers bachelor courses in graphic design and motion design. It also offers a masters' level course in Digital Art Direction. Some courses are available as sandwich-course work …
Interior Design Course in France - LISAA
LISAA trains designers and interior architects. LISAA enlarges its expertise and offers focuses at the end of the curriculum in service design, global design, connected design, etc. The course …
Recherchez nos formations | LISAA
Langue : FR & EN. Spécialités: Modélisme; Conception 3d; Design maille; Design textile éco responsable; Bachelor Concepteur d'images 2D/3D . Découvrir la formation. ... LISAA Design …
Tuition fees - LISAA
LISAA fees vary according to the courses and campuses. Some courses are available in sandwich-course. In this case, the fees are paid fully or in part by the compagny or a financial …