Liberty Herbicide | Herbicides | Agriculture - BASF
Liberty herbicide has proven to provide superior control of tough weeds, including glyphosate-resistant broadleaves and grasses. Liberty herbicide has no known resistance in U.S. …
Liberty® ULTRA | Herbicides | Agriculture - BASF
Liberty ® ULTRA herbicide, Powered by Glu-L ™ Technology, is the next-generation glufosinate herbicide for the next-generation grower. As the first resolved isomer of glufosinate in the US …
Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label). Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for …
Liberty Herbicide Application Best Practices - BASF
Backed by the support and confidence of your BASF team, when you apply Liberty herbicide according to label instructions and follow the S.T.O.P. guidelines, we guarantee commercially …
2020 Liberty® Herbicide Weed Control Guarantee When you apply Liberty herbicide according to label instructions and follow the below S.T.O.P. Application Guidelines, we guarantee …
Liberty is the ONLY working nonselective herbicide that is effective on tough-to-control grasses and broadleaf weeds.* Plus, it’s available for over-the-top use on over 50 million LibertyLink® …
Liberty ® Herbicide Application Guidelines for Maximum Control tart clean and stay clean Control emerged weeds prior to planting and escapes throughout the season. arget < 3" weeds Small …
Liberty Soybean Herbicide for Your Trait System - BASF
Liberty soybean herbicide provides freedom & flexibility on your farm across multiple trait systems. Learn more about BASF's superior weed control.
LibertyLink - BASF
Nonselective herbicide that is effective on tough-to-control grasses and broadleaves, including Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, waterhemp, marestail and kochia.* Achieve your full yield …
Liberty Herbicide - Post-Emergent Herbicide for Soybeans - BASF
“If you’re looking to keep tough pigweeds and other late-emerging weeds away until canopy closure, a post-emerge residual herbicide, such as Outlook ® herbicide or Zidua SC herbicide, …