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Leading Britain's Conversation LBC - talk radio for the UK, letting you have your say on the big issues of the day and affecting London and the UK, with breaking news and opinion.
London's latest cash grab: Why hiking parking fines won't solve
Feb 22, 2025 · The Mayor of London's decision to increase parking fines to an eye-watering £160 represents everything that's wrong with City Hall's approach to governing our capital.
Sadiq Khan wants to take Trump for a 'good curry on Brick Lane
Mar 2, 2025 · Sadiq Khan has said that he will invite Donald Trump for a curry on Brick Lane when he comes to London for a state visit.
Leading Britain's Conversation LBC - talk radio for the UK, letting you have your say on the big issues of the day and affecting London and the UK, with breaking news and opinion.
Top Stories - News - LBC
Leading Britain's Conversation LBC - talk radio for the UK, letting you have your say on the big issues of the day and affecting London and the UK, with breaking news and opinion.
Latest Central London News - LBC
All the latest breaking news on Central London including pictures and videos - only on LBC.
More than 70 arrests made at Palestine protest as police ban ... - LBC
Jan 18, 2025 · 77 people have been arrested in pro-Palestine protests in central London - after police said some demonstrators who broke through their lines ignored orders to disperse.