Jonathan Wilker - Purdue University
Email: wilker@purdue.edu; Phone: 63382; Office: 4131C BRWN; Professor Jonathan Wilker's individual homepage
Jonathan Wilker - Wikipedia
Jonathan Wilker is an American scientist, engineer, and educator who focuses on developing marine animal-inspired underwater adhesives for use in surgery, construction, and other applications.
Jonathan J. Wilker - Google Scholar
Jonathan J. Wilker. Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University. Verified email at purdue.edu - Homepage. adhesion biomimetics chemistry materials polymers. Articles ... S Jiang, Z Chen, JJ Wilker. Chemical Science 11 (38), 10367-10377, 2020. 141: 2020: The iron‐fortified adhesive system of marine mussels. JJ Wilker. Angewandte Chemie ...
Jon Wilker: Wilker Laboratory: Purdue Chemistry
"Alkyl Transfer to Metal Thiolates: Kinetics, Active Species Identification, and Relevance to the DNA Methyl Phosphotriester Repair Center of Escherichia coli Ada" Jonathan J. Wilker and Stephen J. Lippard Inorganic Chemistry, 1997, Volume 36, pages 969-978.
More about Jon - Wilker Lab - Purdue University
Jonathan J. Wilker. Current Position: Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University. Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University (by courtesy) Learn more about Jon on Wikipedia. email: wilker Background: Professor of Materials Engineering, August 2011 - Present, Purdue University; Professor of Chemistry, August 2011 - Present, Purdue ...
《JACS》自然又让我们抄作业了!海洋生物胶粘剂科学家Wilker团 …
普渡大学 的海洋生物胶粘剂科学家Jonathan J. Wilker团队以贻贝为师给出了一个方案,利用氢键等非共价弱键实现界面粘接的延展性。 在含有氢键的的粘接层中,氢键受力断裂,耗散了应力从而减少了粘接面 脆性断裂 的概率 (图2)。
Jonathan Wilker - Materials Engineering - Purdue University
Aug 29, 2023 · Purdue University's Materials Engineering's academic programs have been developed around all major classes of artificial materials, ceramics, metals, glasses, polymers, and semiconductors. The undergraduate and graduate programs integrate our faculty strengths across the field's four cornerstones: structure, properties, processing, and performance.
Wilker, Jonathan - Purdue University - Department of Chemistry
“Self-Healing Polymers: Sticky When Wet”, Jon Wilker*, Nature Materials, 2014, Volume 13, Issue 9, pages 849-850 “Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies on Buried Heterogeneous Biointerfaces”, Chi Zang, Joshua Jasensky, Chaun Leng, Chelsey Del Grosso, Gary Smith, Jonathan Wilker, and Zhan Chen*, Optics Letters, 2014, Volume 39, Issue 9, …
Jonathan Wilker at Purdue University - West Lafayette - Rate My …
Jonathan Wilker is a professor in the Chemistry department at Purdue University - West Lafayette - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Jonathan Wilker | Speaker - TED
Jonathan Wilker explores the science and engineering happening within our oceans. He works to understand the ways that sea creatures survive and how we can adapt their technologies to create new materials.