John Gilpin - Wikipedia
John Gilpin was featured as the subject in a well-known comic ballad of 1782 by William Cowper, entitled The Diverting History of John Gilpin. Cowper had heard the story from his friend Lady Austen. Gilpin was said to be a wealthy draper from Cheapside in London, who owned land at Olney, Buckinghamshire, near where Cowper lived.
The Diverting History of John Gilpin - Wikipedia
The Diverting History of John Gilpin Shewing how he went Farther than he intended, and came safe Home again is a comic ballad by William Cowper written in 1782. [1] The ballad concerns a draper called John Gilpin who rides a runaway horse.
Poem: John Gilpin by William Cowper - PoetryNook.Com
John Gilpin at his horse's side Seiz'd fast the flowing mane, And up he got, in haste to ride, But soon came down again; For saddle-tree scarce reach'd had he, His journey to begin, When, turning round his head, he saw Three customers come in. So down he came; for loss of time, Although it griev'd him sore, Yet loss of pence, full well he knew,
The Diverting History of John Gilpin - Project Gutenberg
"Stop, stop, John Gilpin!—Here's the house!" They all at once did cry; "The dinner waits, and we are tired;" Said Gilpin—"So am I!"
John Gilpin (18th century) was a based on real-life character whose exploits became legendary and featured in a well-known comic ballad of 1782 by William Cowper entitled The Diverting History of John Gilpin. Cowper had heard the story from a friend, Lady Austen. who owned land at Olney in Buckinghamshire, near where Cowper lived.
The Diverting History of John Gilpin: Shewing how he Went …
Mar 27, 2018 · The Diverting History of John Gilpin is a humorous ballad written by the English poet and hymnist William Cowper (1731–1800). It owes its existence to Lady Austen. One autumn afternoon in 1782 she noticed her friend William sinking into a depression.
ADDITIONALVERSES ANDNOTES ThestoryofJohnGilpin'sride wasrelatedtoCowperbyhis friend,LadyAusten,whohad hearditasachild.Itcaused thepoetasleeplessnight,ashe waskeptawakebylaughterat it.Duringtheserestlesshours heturneditintothefamousbal- lad.Itappearedinthe''Public Advertiser,"November14,1782, anonymously. …
Classic Poetry: John Gilpin (William Cowper, 1731-1800)
Classic Poetry: John Gilpin (William Cowper, 1731-1800) William Cowper (1731-1800); frontispiece in H.S. Milford, ed., The Complete Poetical Works of William Cowper, London: Oxford University Press, 1913.
Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive / Works / THE DIVERTING …
the diverting history of john gilpin, shewing how he went farther than he intended and came safe home again.
The Diverting History of John Gilpin by William Cowper
Dec 6, 2007 · "The Diverting History of John Gilpin" by William Cowper is a humorous narrative poem written in the late 18th century. The book tells the tale of an everyday man, John Gilpin, whose planned excursion takes an unexpected and comical turn, highlighting themes of folly and the unpredictable nature of life.