THE JOEY MARS SHOW Live streaming auction with Joey Mars on @whatnot app every Thursday at 8pm est.Great way to pick up vintage Mars as well as fresh as fractals painted fashion and canvas. Live chat, news and shopping.
1991 Pearl Jam poster by Joey Mars at Ten Club Party in Boston August 2018. PJ's first Boston appearance
Joey Mars, King of Psychedelic Art - The Daily Beast
Aug 15, 2015 · Joey Mars made a name for himself in the counterculture, and designing posters for Aerosmith and Grateful Dead. Now he’s bringing his weird to gallery walls.
Joey Mars (@joeymarsart) • Instagram photos and videos
6,511 Followers, 2,861 Following, 718 Posts - Joey Mars (@joeymarsart) on Instagram: "artist, illustrator, cartoonist. Live streaming on @whatnot Thursdays 8pm est. links in bio for website, whatnot and socials"
Three days with Cape Cod's iconic Joey Mars at Centerville ...
Sep 11, 2024 · Centerville artist Joey Mars has been making friendly alien art for decades. A Sept. 13-15 retrospective of his work includes fashion show in Eastham
Art & Life with Joey Mars – Boston Voyager Magazine | Boston ...
Sep 10, 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Joey Mars. Joey, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far. Went to art school in Boston in the early 1980s. I became involved in the local-alternative music scene doing posters for …
Mars Fest: A Weekend Long Art Extravaganza
Experience the psychedelic world of artist Joey Mars with a weekend-long festival full of art classes, exhibits in the art gallery, fashion shows and more!