Job Quality | Urban Institute Next 50
Job Quality: Knowledge Priorities. Identify ways technology can improve job quality; Estimate impacts of new benefits and standards; Monitor standards and compliance; Catalog efforts to expand worker engagement; Estimate impact and cost of job guarantee proposals; Gather new data on nonstandard work arrangements
4 NEXT50 JOB QUALITY Advancing Solutions: Local Action and Investment, Advocacy, and Private-Sector Innovation Changes in the labor market have major implications for job quality. Workers, employers, the nonprofit sector, and all levels of government are developing strategies to increase job quality in our economy.
Helping Anyone Who Can Do the Job to Get the Job: A …
Although college should be a bridge to opportunity, college degree requirements for employment are a drawbridge that prohibits millions of Americans from securing good jobs, says Byron Auguste, CEO and cofounder of Opportunity@Work, a nonprofit that encourages employers to consider alternatives to bachelor’s degrees when assessing job applicants’ qualifications.
Health-Related Social Needs - Urban Institute Next 50
An estimated 16 million people worked in health care jobs in 2017. And in many communities, hospitals are the largest employers, giving them an important role in shaping people’s job quality and earnings. Health systems and hospitals can reduce the extent and severity of health-related social needs by raising workers’ wages and expanding ...
A $38 million racial disparity and a Florida partnership’s effort to ...
Dec 10, 2018 · Business ownership is a significant source of wealth and a potential avenue for narrowing the racial wealth divide, but entrepreneurship has its own racial disparities.
Five Ways the Drivers of Social Change are Evolving
May 24, 2019 · Jacob Hsu, the CEO of Catalyte, offered an example of these networks in action. Catalyte trains software developers in a 20-week intensive program, demonstrating how technology and a changing job market can improve lives and decisions while also benefitting underserved communities.
Development without Displacement: An Interview with Isela Gracian
We work to ensure quality, affordable homes for the people living in the neighborhoods of Boyle Heights and unincorporated East Los Angeles. These communities have historically been home to immigrants and are predominantly Latino, Spanish-speaking individuals, many of whom earn less than 50 percent of the area median income.
Using Housing to Fight Discrimination against People with …
Apr 24, 2019 · People with disabilities need affordable and accessible housing that is integrated into the community to live fully engaged and independent lives.
safety and environmental conditions, and public school quality. And across all these efforts, policymakers, thought leaders, and on-the-ground practitioners would need to confront and dismantle the structural barriers that sustain racial and economic inequities and injustice. The challenge is urgent.
To prepare for climate change, prepare for disasters: An interview …
Disasters can strike at any time, and climate change will likely make them more severe and frequent. Hazard events can be sudden or slow moving, caused by natural processes, and exacerbated by human actions.