Advanced Jett Tips : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Mar 5, 2021 · Jett is pretty straightforward so, no real crazy tips, unless you google like, updraft with your ultimate spots. (For example, you can kill someone planting Generator on Ascent if you updraft twice from heaven). You would have to ytube those, and they're pretty easy to find. Also shotguns are really strong on Jett if you're not opposed to using ...
Tips for getting better with Jetts knives : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Dec 20, 2020 · I came from playing overwatch so there's a lot of linear movement. I'm not a good player but for some reason I do better with jett knives. I'd say you shouldn't use right click more than five meters away (kinda like how far reyna eye goes) and try to …
What are your thoughts on the Jett ultimate? : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Apr 18, 2020 · I love jett and I can get a good 20-30 kills every few matches but anytime the enemy jett uses the ultimate it's a good time to rush them, it's a bit underwhelming and even I tend to just not use it as I'll likely end up dying when aiming for the head where if I had a normal gun I probably would have killed them or done some amount of damage.
The ULTIMATE 2021 Jett Guide : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Jul 16, 2021 · The ULTIMATE 2021 Jett Guide Educational ... VALORANT™ is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical ...
RIP: revive me Jett : r/VALORANT - Reddit
VALORANT™ is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter by Riot Games. ... map Easter egg jett ...
Jett Mains - Reddit
SEN TenZ POV Jett on Split 25-9 (VALORANT Pro POV) u/ValorantProSettings. ADMIN MOD ...
Jett (Horu) : r/valorantrule34 - Reddit
Jun 28, 2022 · 203K subscribers in the valorantrule34 community. Welcome to /r/ValorantRule34, home of all Valorant Rule 34 content!
Jett x Yoru (Pages 1-3) (OC) : r/valorantrule34 - Reddit
Honest feedback: Jett with open Hair is nice, however i also like her dutt a lot. Other than that, the art is really nice! Storylike..its a nice reference(the one with maxbot i think?) that she owes him. Characterwise..i think yoru is displayed really well...but i don't think Jett would slide into the "submissive" Style. Solid 7.5 outta 10 ^
A Jett Animation Loop I've made : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Jun 1, 2020 · VALORANT™ is a free to play 5v5, character-based tactical shooter by Riot Games. Members Online VALORANT Worldmap - EP 08 // ACT 3 (Updated to v.8.11)
How to use Reyna and Jett effectively? : r/VALORANT - Reddit
Jan 24, 2022 · It’s all about entry and taking the first engagements with these two agents. Jett: smoke the most common sight line, dash onto site, and make space for your team to get onto site easier. Reyna: throw your blind and clear site best you can and hope your team trades you if …