Spear vs. Javelin -- myArmoury.com
Dec 2, 2011 · Spear is longer and heavier than javelin. While javelin heads were optimized for thrusting, some spears could also effectively cut. Most if not all spears can be thrown. But because they are much heavier than javelins throwing distance is also considerably shorter. Actually knights threw their spears in duels.
Javelin Throws -- myArmoury.com
Sep 17, 2014 · In a vacuum you'd need around 23 m/s to throw a javelin 50m at the typical 30ish-degree release angle. That'd only be about 120 J. Around 27 m/s for the 66m throw with the ankyle would be roughly 160 J. By contrast a 70m throw with a 800g modern javelin would be approximately 300 J.
Using a modern ash dowel for a spear shaft? -- myArmoury.com
Sep 14, 2015 · Many of the spear heads that I've looked at appear to have a socket that has a width of above 1 inch. I've found a nice looking spear head from MedievalShoppe that is 3.3cm wide at the socket, I plan on buying a dowel that is only a few milometers larger and shaving it down to a taper to fit the head.
Goliath's spear -- myArmoury.com
Jan 22, 2014 · [Goliath] had a bronze helmet on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail. . . . And he had bronze greaves on his legs and a bronze javelin was between his shoulders. Now the staff of his spear was like a weaver's beam, and his iron spearhead weighed six hundred shekels; and a shield-bearer went before him. (I Samuel 17:5-7)
Forging a spear head -- myArmoury.com
Sep 14, 2014 · This is my 4th attempt at forging a spear head. Hopefully it will be my third successful one. I'm not working from any specific historic reference for two reasons: First, I just decided to give this a go in class today, and I didn't have any reference material with me.
Spear Throwing Technique -- myArmoury.com
Jan 27, 2009 · Spear or javelin heads are pretty common finds on Roman military sites, but it's often hard to make any distinction. A few are quite large, clearly thrusting spears, but most are a wide range of sizes at the small end of the scale, down to things which *might* be large arrowheads. Sockets are often surprisingly narrow.
short spear, 15th century -- myArmoury.com
Jun 19, 2017 · Reading my Viollet-le-Duc Encyclopédie Médiévale (arms and armors part, of course), I found this picture of a sort of short spear head dating from the 15th century. Looking at the weapon, we can guess than this was designed for thrusting, so couldn't help but draw a parallel with the spear part in the Fiore de'i Liberi Flower of Battle .
the 'javelin' of di grassi and george silver what IS it?
Sep 20, 2018 · The words "lance," "spear," and "javelin" could be synonyms, though certain authors distinguished between them in practice. Of course, that's likewise true 21st-century English outside of scholarly, WMA, and gaming circles (and at times within these circles).
Javelin -- myArmoury.com
Thrown weapons were much more practical in many of these cases, and everything from the axe to the spear was used for this. Even the sword was known to be thrown on occasion, as evidenced by the 15th century Italian master Fiore dei Liberi, who has a brief description on how to throw one's sword at an opponent if necessary.
Iberian Jinetes -- myArmoury.com
Dec 3, 2017 · Bem Cavalgar Dom Duarte - 1438 also covers the topic of throwing javelins while mounted. The writer states that a javelin thrown from a horse at speed would have a range 1/3 further than one thrown on foot. If the other mounted person is moving towards the javelin thrower than it might just be enough to make a javelin penetrate armor.