Traditional.Iron Nitrate Stain - TalkBass.com
Jun 23, 2014 · All the iron stain solutions (acetate, nitrate, sulfate) are just methods of getting iron deep into the wood, where it reacts with the the tannins. The results depend greatly on the individual properties and tannin levels of the wood. Iron acetate is pretty safe to work with, the primary danger being the vinegar stink on your fingers.
Iron nitrate after stains - The Muzzleloading Forum
Feb 12, 2021 · Hello folks! First time poster, long time shooter. I’m putting together my first rifle (.62/20 gauge) and am looking for suggestions, maybe photos, on a cherry stain with iron nitrate on a curly maple stock. I’ve decided on my second rifle (.54) I’ll do iron nitrate with tannic acid (I …
Modifying iron nitrate stain on curly maple with dye
May 24, 2023 · Both. The honey maple stain and the yellow trans tint. The stock was a pale yellow before I used the iron nitrate. The trick is how far you go with the rub back process. I ended up adding more yellow trans tint after the iron nitrate. It is …
Iron Nitrate gunstock stain - American Longrifles
Jul 25, 2015 · Nitrate of Iron Staining Medium Historically accurate as applied to wood, horn, leather, fabric, etc. While frequently discussed here as a gunstock stain, none have ever talked about its other uses. I did stain a shooting bag with it with good results. I don't suppose anyone else ever used it.
Video - Staining Curly Maple with Tanic Acid and Iron Nitrate
Feb 20, 2019 · He used many of Jim Kiblers techniques with tannic acid and in his case vinigaroon to stain the stock and the results were stunning to say the least. The heavily figured Myrtle accepted the treatment very well, and scared the daylights out of the budding gun builder by in his words “turning as black as a sock” after the vinigaroon was let ...
Tannic/ Iron Nitrate Stain - American Longrifles
Jan 23, 2017 · A reaction between the iron nitrate and tannic acid occurs forming an iron tannate compound which is very dark in color. Once it air dries, the surface should be heated with a heat gun. After this step, the entire stock is quite dark. Next comes abrading the stock to work the stain off the long grain wood to bring out the gure.
Finish Questions for Kibler SMR stock - The Muzzleloading Forum
Jan 30, 2021 · First, sand down to 320. Whisker by wetting stock and sanding to 320 two or three times. Then, apply aqua fortis, allow to dry. Blush with heat gun. Wipe on Tried and True varnish oil, thinned with turpentine to help penetrate. Toss in …
Ever use iron nitrate on walnut? | The Muzzleloading Forum
Nov 10, 2023 · Aqua Fortis (nitric acid) and iron nitrate are two completely different chemical substances. Iron nitrate turns walnut ebony black. I don't know what nitric acid does to it.
Stain plus Iron Nitrate - Best Application Sequence on Fancy Maple?
May 24, 2023 · When finishing a fancy maple stock with a combination of a penetrating oil-based stain and iron nitrate / aqua fortis, is it best to do the iron nitrate and heat treatment process first, then followed by the stain, or is it best to do the stain …
Setting color and shade on an Extra Fancy maple stock
Aug 21, 2022 · I have Jim Kibler’s Colonial 50 cal with his extra fancy maple for the stock on order. I have seen beautiful examples of this stock finished using Tannic acid and iron nitrite gun stock stain. All are beautiful buy some are quite dark. I am interested in something a bit lighter.