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  1. But believe it or not, the only difference between brown eggs and white eggs is the shell color. Not only do they look exactly the same on the inside, the inside of the shells of both brown and white eggs are actually white!
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    But believe it or not, the only difference between brown eggs and white eggs is the shell color. Not only do they look exactly the same on the inside, the inside of the shells of both brown and white eggs are actually white!
    The outside of a chicken egg can be a huge range of colors but did you know the base shell color in domestic chickens can only be white or blue? It’s true! Brown chicken eggs are actually a white shell with tint over them and they are white – not brown – on the inside!
    This isn’t blood, but is just a bit of protein that hitched a ride as this egg was forming in the chicken (look for a video on how this happens at the end of the post!). It could be a leftover bit from another egg or a tiny piece of tissue that flaked off from the chicken’s reproductive tract.
    According to Egg Safety, the only time you should really be concerned about unusual markings on your eggs is if you see black or green spots on the inside of the egg shell, which can be a sign of bacterial or fungal contamination. These eggs should not be consumed.
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  4. What Are Brown Specks in Eggs, and Are They Safe to …

    Nov 21, 2022 · If you’ve found brown spots in your eggs, you might wonder if you need to cook these eggs differently than eggs without them. Well, the answer is pretty straightforward — no! Since these types of eggs are completely safe, …

  5. What Color Is The Inside Of An Egg? - kiddiescience.org

    Chickens that lay brown tinted eggs deposit the pigment protoporphyrin on the eggs late in the process of forming the shell. The pigment therefore doesn't penetrate the interior of the egg, but tints only the surface. This is why brown …

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  7. Different Egg Colors and What They Mean

    Mar 23, 2018 · The shell forms in the uterus: Once the egg, sans shell, reaches its full size in the oviduct, it moves onto the uterus. Here, it forms its shell, as well as bloom and color. For a …

  8. The Real Reason Eggshells Are Sometimes Spotted

    Dec 15, 2021 · According to Egg Safety, the only time you should really be concerned about unusual markings on your eggs is if you see black or green spots on the inside of the egg shell, which can be a sign of bacterial or fungal …

  9. Is the internal appearance of eggs related to egg safety?

  10. Brown Eggs vs. White Eggs | What's the …

    Not only do they look exactly the same on the inside, the inside of the shells of both brown and white eggs are actually white! Brown eggs and white eggs (and blue and green eggs too for that …

  11. Egg Shell Interior Colors - Silver Homestead

    Brown chicken eggs are actually a white shell with tint over them and they are white – not brown – on the inside! Here are some pictures, graphics and tips on how egg shell interior colors can help you determine the genes your hen is …