Information Operations (United States) - Wikipedia
Information Operations is a category of direct and indirect support operations for the United States Military.
Describes information operations (IO) as the integrated employment, during military operations, of IRCs in concert with other lines of operation, to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.
Information Operations | RAND
Nov 20, 2024 · Information operations and warfare, also known as influence operations, includes the collection of tactical information about an adversary as well as the dissemination of propaganda in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.
Understanding Information Operations & Information Warfare
Jun 22, 2022 · The more antiquated IO doctrine distinguished between information warfare and information operations. In a military publication from 1999, IO is defined as “…actions taken to …
Mar 13, 2003 · The Army defines defensive information operations as the integration and coordination of policies and procedures, operations, personnel, and tech-nology to protect and defend friendly information and information systems.
Aug 8, 2022 · The purpose of Army Information Operations (IO) is to synchronize effects within the information environment (IE) in support of military operations within a designated area of operations.
Joint Pub 3-13, “Joint Doctrine for Information Operations,” represents a significant milestone in defining how joint forces use information operations (IO) to support our national military strategy.
This latest revision of the Information Operations Primer provides an overview of Department of Defense (DoD) Information Operations (IO) doctrine and organizations at the joint and individual service levels.
The recommendations in the Information Operations Roadmap begin the process of developing IO into a warfighting capability that ~ill enable Combatant Commanders to target adversary decision-making while protecting our own.
the importance and impact of Information Operations. These attacks provide a ghastly example of asymmetrical warfare that employed information technology and exploited the speed and reach of global connectivity to deliver content that has been described as “shocking” and “staggering”, indi