Tall Thistle (Cirsium altissimum) - Illinois Wildflowers
Although the Tall Thistle is less heavily armed with spines than some thistles, they provide some protection from hoofed mammalian herbivores. Photographic Location: Along a woodland path at Fox Ridge State Park in east-central Illinois.
Swamp Thistle (Cirsium muticum) - Illinois Wildflowers
Swamp Thistle is found primarily in sandy wetlands and rocky areas where seepage through limestone occurs. It is perhaps most common in fens. Faunal Associations: The flowerheads of Swamp Thistle (Cirsium muticum) attract …
61 Common WILDFLOWERS Found in Illinois! (2025)
- Chicory. Cichorium intybus. Growing Information. USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 …
- Blue Vervain. Verbena hastata. Also known as the American Vervain or …
- Common Blue Violet. Viola sororia. Also known as Common Meadow Violet, …
- Common Periwinkle. Vinca minor. Also known as Lesser Periwinkle or Dwarf …
- Teasel. Dipsacus fullonum. Also known as Wild Teasel and Fuller’s Teasel. …
Exotic Herbaceous Plants - Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Canada thistle, a native of Europe, is common in the northern half of Illinois and rare in the southern half. This plant is a noxious weed under Illinois law. Canada thistle may attain a …
Several species of thistles grow in Illinois. These biennial plants have simple, jagged-toothed, lance-shaped leaves. Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem. The hairy stem is …
Cirsium discolor - Illinois Botanizer
Native thistle with deeply pinnatifid, white tomentose leaves underneath: Gee Whiz: Thistle kill ya! And look at the leaves, are they dis color or dat color! Humor: More Info: Illinois …
Think twice before killing those thistles: Thistle …
Mar 21, 2017 · Fewleaf thistle (Cirsium remotifoilum), a native thistle Thistles are one of the most common weed problems that property owners deal with in Clackamas County. Many of the thistles we encounter are invasive and can …
Exotic Herbaceous Plants - Illinois …
The species is common in the northern half of Illinois and less common elsewhere in the state. Stems may reach four feet in height. Leaves are noticeably lobed, blue-gray and arranged …
Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) - Illinois Wildflowers
Range & Habitat: The Bull Thistle is a common plant that occurs in most counties of Illinois. This thistle is adventive from Eurasia, and it has existed in the United States since the 19th century, if not earlier.